Teller Report

SK will check non-payment of compensations to doctors working with coronavirus

5/15/2020, 7:55:00 PM

The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed the heads of departments in the regions to organize an audit of non-payment of monetary compensation to medical workers involved in assisting patients with coronavirus.

According to the press service of the UK, Bastrykin demanded that the investigators respond as quickly as possible to such facts and immediately initiate criminal proceedings if there is reason for this.

On May 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to monitor surcharges for doctors who work with coronavirus infection.

Earlier, the head of state criticized delays in payment, noting that “work began to boil” only after his criticism.

According to him, on May 9, payments were made only in 56 regions of Russia, 56 thousand people received their hands - less than half of those to whom they were charged.

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