Teller Report

How is the back-to-school season planned for Monday preparing?

5/15/2020, 2:16:57 PM

At the Neustrie college in Bouguenais, near Nantes, we are preparing to welcome students again, in a particular context

Back to school preparation at the Neustrie College in Bouguenais near Nantes - J. Urbach / 20 Minutes

  • Distancing, masks, refectory ... The colleges had to completely reorganize due to the health crisis.
  • In Loire-Atlantique, between 40 and 50% of pupils in grades 6 and 5 are expected to resume on Monday.

"We tried to do something pretty ...". Three days before the start of the new school year, after that of the youngest children, preparations are completed at the Neustrie College in Bouguenais near Nantes. In the playground, hundreds of colored dots, 1.5m apart, were painted on the ground. "There will be very few students at the same time, but at least we will be sure that the distances will be respected, hopes Jean-Christophe Templeraud, the principal of the college. We did not want to create demarcated areas, in order to avoid the overly anxious side… ”

Monday morning, in Loire-Atlantique, between 40 and 50% of students in grades 6 and 5 will return to college in a particular context. In Bouguenais, they will only be 144 registered out of 342 usually. At the portal, no question of taking his comrades in his arms: the students will enter through two different accesses, from which they will have to follow a signposted route. This Friday, a table was installed at the back of the courtyard, at the entrance to the buildings. "It is there that the students will be given an envelope made up of four washable masks, provided by the National Education", indicates Philippe Carrière, the academic director. Teenagers will not be able to remove them before sitting at their desk.

At the Neustrie college in Bouguenais near #Nantes, hundreds of dots, 1.5m apart, were spray painted in the playground. #Deconfinement @ 20Minutes

- 20 Minutes Nantes (@ 20minutesnantes) May 15, 2020

Half a day of lessons

While a health protocol was sent to all the heads of establishments, each was able to compose according to their specificities. In the corridors of Neustria, scotch tape has been placed on the tiling in accordance with the “protective gestures”, as they are called here. In each class, a small tray with handkerchiefs and hydroalcoholic gel was prepared. This Friday, the name tags still had to be stuck on each table: "We had to think of everything," says Jean-Christophe Templeraud. The students, divided into groups ranging from 3 to 14, will have a designated place and will not change the room as usual. They can have lunch if they wish in the refectory, where packed lunches will be offered. And will have class every day, but only in the morning or in the afternoon.

Because if there would have been enough teachers and space to provide more hours of lessons, the workload could be too great for the eight available agents (out of 12) mobilized to clean and disinfect the places. Instructions were given to them to pass four times in each of the sanitary blocks. We must not forget any corner, up to the CDI or some adolescents, children of caregivers or priority professions, will be welcomed the rest of the day.

Back to school preparation at the Neustrie College in Bouguenais near Nantes - J. Urbach / 20 Minutes

Masked teachers in class

A millimeter organization which causes some other difficulties or uncertainties, in particular due to the ministerial directives which have evolved until recent days. On Wednesday, school leaders were for example warned that teachers should finally keep their masks in the classroom, even if sufficient distances were observed in front of the students. “Some teams had to back off, observes Laurent Champagne, departmental secretary of the union of management personnel SNPDEN. But overall there is support for the return arrangements, even if we have colleagues who are obviously worried. "

Among their concerns, dropout students, with whom contact has not been renewed despite the prospect of this recovery. "There, we are organizing the start of the school year, but as of next week we will have to go and get them back," said Rector William Marois. We will travel to families if necessary. Some also need to be reassured that we have implemented a serious health protocol. At the end of May, the government should decide on the takeover, or not, of students in 3rd, 4th and high school students.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Middle School
  • Deconfinement
  • Society
  • Nantes
  • Education