Teller Report

Diabetics ask for reimbursement of masks "with no charge left"

5/15/2020, 3:37:00 PM

Guest of the show & quot; Sans Rendez-vous & quot; on Europe 1, the doctor & nbsp; Jean François Thébaut indicated & nbsp; that the French Federation of diabetics had seized in emergency, Friday, & nbsp; the High authority of health.

Guest of the program "Sans Rendez-vous" on Europe 1, doctor Jean François Thébaut indicated that the French Federation of diabetics had urgently seized the High Health Authority on Friday.


It is a real rage pushed by a category of patients who represents 4.5 million people: diabetics seized Friday, through their French Federation (FFD), the High Health Authority on the issue of reimbursement of masks in pharmacies. Vice-president of the FFD, Doctor Jean-François Thébaut explains on Friday afternoon in Sans Rendez-vous sur Europe 1 why it is necessary to equip people with this pathology for free, to protect them from the coronavirus.

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Pharmacy dispensing 

"Today we urgently contacted the High Health Authority to register the masks on the list of reimbursable products and services", details the specialist at the microphone of Mélanie Gomez. He asked that the masks "be reimbursed without charge by the health insurance, in the context of a pharmacy delivery".

Because "diabetics are in the list of people at high risk" with a very different pathology according to age, sex and body morphology. For example, the most vulnerable are "the oldest men, who have type 2 diabetes, with overweight and complications", continues Jean-François Thébaut on Europe 1.


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A more vulnerable population

Overall, diabetics are more prone to complications from the coronavirus. "We have found that a diabetic patient is twice as likely to be hospitalized as a non-diabetic patient. And when he is hospitalized, he is three times more likely to die," said the vice-president. of the FFB.

"It prompted us to multiply the alerts on the absolute need to practice barrier gestures", but also to request for several weeks a reimbursement of the masks in pharmacies for diabetics. "We ask that they be supplied in pharmacies because only they can ensure quality, with a CE medical device standard. Large stores can distribute masks of extremely uneven quality and not controlled", points Jean -François Thébaut.