Teller Report

100 surrogate mothers born in Ukraine

5/15/2020, 10:08:20 PM

The Ukrainian authorities reported, yesterday, that more than 100 newborn mothers of surrogate mothers were stranded in the country, after their parents had not been able to travel to Ukraine to hand them over due to the closing of the border since last March, due to the spread of the Corona pandemic.

The Ukrainian authorities reported, yesterday, that more than 100 newborn mothers of surrogate mothers were stranded in the country, after their parents had not been able to travel to Ukraine to hand them over due to the closing of the border since last March, due to the spread of the Corona epidemic.

"In total, more than 100 children in Ukraine are waiting for their families in different medical centers," Lyudmila Denisova, the mediator of the republic in Ukraine, told reporters, adding that the number would increase with the extension of the closure.

She indicated that 51 newborns were placed in a clinic owned by a clinic in Kiev, and Denisova noted that children were to receive fathers and mothers from several countries, including the United States, France, Italy, Spain and Germany.

Surrogacy Clinic Biotexcom released a video showing dozens of newborns lying side by side in separate beds, and their staff cared for them. Denisova added that the clinic appealed to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate the arrival of parents of children, but the problem has not been solved yet.

Most European countries consider illegal commercial surrogacy, but it is permitted in Ukraine, which has become a destination for foreigners looking for surrogate mothers.

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