Teller Report

Unions make proposals on future of telework

5/14/2020, 3:25:16 PM

This roadmap echoes Medef's proposal made on Tuesday to make a "shared diagnosis" on telework with the social partners

Telework during the coronavirus epidemic. - Sebastien SALOM-GOMIS / SIPA

With confinement, remote working has grown for many workers. A way of working that could develop in the future. The CFDT, the CFTC and Unsa thus published this Thursday “recommendations” which would constitute “benchmarks” in the context of the resumption of activity.

"If we look at the challenges of ecological transition and digital transformation, many signals point to a new future for telework," write the three organizations. "The unanticipated telework experience currently experienced must be the subject of a collective formalization to establish some essential principles, identify the difficulties, identify common benchmarks, allow feedback," they add, echoing Medef's proposal made on Tuesday to make a "shared diagnosis" with telework with the social partners.

A work-study program

With this in mind, the three unions propose, among other things, that telework is based on "existing agreements or charters in the company or the administration". In addition, "alternating telework / face-to-face work must be favored in particular in order to avoid the phenomenon of isolation of the teleworker and the associated professional risks such as psychosocial risks".

The unions also consider that "from now on any position, when it is created and / or modified, must include the possibility that certain activities and / or tasks may be carried out by telework".

Volunteering as a founding principle

“Telework can be regular and stable, that is to say defined and planned in advance, it can be occasional telework in response to occasional needs and / or unforeseen events. Finally, it can be set up for exceptional circumstances such as the threat of an epidemic, or in the event of force majeure. This latter situation must remain the only exception to the principle of voluntary service which governs telework. In other cases, the principle of double volunteering between the worker and the company or the administration must be the rule ”.

Other recommendations: provide training in teleworking and its tools prior to any implementation, both for managers and employees; set up a schedule management and the right to disconnection framework; ensure equal access to telework between women and men. Finally, "a particular look must be paid to the situation of disabled workers to ensure that the layout of their workstation takes into account their needs, both from an ergonomic and communication point of view", underline the three unions.


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  • Video
  • Telework
  • CFDT
  • Union
  • Covid 19
  • Society
  • Coronavirus