Teller Report

Too naughty! Wild macaques break into farmers' poultry circles to grab food

5/14/2020, 2:46:11 PM

  Recently, the forest police in Rong County, Zigong City, Sichuan City received an alarm report saying that a monkey broke into the chicken coop of a farmer and jumped up and down to scramble to find something to eat.   After receiving the police, the local forest police immediately contacted experts from the relevant local departments to rush to the scene to deal with the situation. After many ...

  Recently, the forest police in Rong County, Zigong City, Sichuan City received an alarm report saying that a monkey broke into the chicken coop of a farmer and jumped up and down to scramble to find something to eat.

  After receiving the police, the local forest police immediately contacted experts from the relevant local departments to rush to the scene to deal with the situation. After many twists and turns, the monkey finally failed to resist the temptation of bananas and apples and was lured into the iron cage. After identification, the monkey belongs to the national second-level protected animal macaque. At present, it has been sent to Zigong Zoo for observation and breeding. (Liu Gang Chen Moli Liu Yujie Editor Chi Hanyu Video source: Rong County Police)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]