Teller Report

The travel blogger is allowed to stay at home: "You can 'go home'"

5/14/2020, 3:07:05 PM

Yesterday, the Prime Minister announced that travel restrictions will continue: we can stay within 1-2 hours drive from home. What does the new limited living space do with the travel industry - and with us as people? We met two widely separated travel writers.

Charlotte Lundquist resigned as flight attendant 2017 to run the travel blog Readyfortakeoff, which focuses on premium travel. In normal cases, she travels freely and shares with her via the blog and social media. Of course, the Corona pandemic has put a stop to both travel and many advertising collaborations.

- But I see it as an opportunity to change the focus of my blog and share with me more of experiences around Stockholm where I am. You can still "go home" and discover pearls in your neighborhood, she says.

"Golden opportunity"

Per J Andersson is the founder of the travel magazine Vagabond, which has previously worked journalistically to inspire sustainable travel. He sees a golden opportunity for the industry to look at what can be improved as restrictions ease.

- The French government has said that if Air France KLM is to have state support, they must not offer flights that can be carried out in under 2.5 hours by train. It's a great example of doing something smarter.

So a shorter thought break can be good, says Per J Andersson.

- But in the long run, it would be tragic if we couldn't travel. The epidemic has been a renaissance for nationalism: We close the bail and are here, but to meet other societies I think can give a deeper and wider world view.