Teller Report

The Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the government budget and began to send 10,000 yuan to the public in July

5/14/2020, 2:01:05 PM

  [Commentary] At 6 pm on May 14th, the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the Third Appropriation Bill, which involves the SAR Government ’s Budget, for the third reading. With the passage of the budget, the preferential policy of HK $ 10,000 per person for Hong Kong permanent residents who have reached the age of 18 has been officially implemented. The SAR government will open applications at ...

  [Commentary] At 6 pm on May 14th, the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the Third Appropriation Bill, which involves the SAR Government ’s Budget, for the third reading. With the passage of the budget, the preferential policy of HK $ 10,000 per person for Hong Kong permanent residents who have reached the age of 18 has been officially implemented. The SAR government will open applications at the end of June and start disbursing payments in July.

  [Commentary] On the afternoon of the same day, after a vote by the Committee of the Whole, Chen Maobo, the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, announced the third reading of the Appropriation Bill 2020, which meant that the Government ’s Budget was passed. The draft stipulates that an amount of approximately HK $ 627.2 billion is authorized to be allocated to the Hong Kong SAR Government for government service expenditure for the financial year from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.

  [Same period] Chen Maobo, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government

  The Appropriation Bill 2020 does not need to be amended and has been approved by the Committee of the Whole. I move the Council ’s motion to adopt this report. The Appropriation Bill 2020 has been read and passed for the third time.

  [Commentary] Liang Meifen, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, supports the passage of the Appropriation Bill, which involves provisions to increase the appropriation to the police and medical personnel. She said this will help Hong Kong continue to stop riots and combat the new coronary pneumonia epidemic.

  [Same period] Member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council

  In particular, I specifically support (Hong Kong Police Force) not only this funding, but in the future, they will need to increase resources and take precautions in the face of the possible increase in riots or violent incidents, social incidents, and our medical care because of the epidemic. The community also needs to increase funding and plan ahead to prepare for Hong Kong's health and safety.

  [Explanation] Hong Kong ’s 2020-2021 Budget benefit measures involving more than 120 billion Hong Kong dollars, with the goal of “supporting enterprises, securing employment, stimulating the economy, and alleviating the hardship of the people”, a number of measures can help the unemployed and the poor, Senior citizens.

  Reporter Zheng Haoxi from Hong Kong

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]