Teller Report

The head of the deputy prosecutor who conducted the search and seizure of the homeland

5/14/2020, 12:45:24 AM

According to the prosecution, the prosecutor filed for resignation on the 12th. Resignations have not been repaired. The Ministry of Justice will review the reasons for disqualification and decide whether to repair it. It has been reported that the prosecutor has been considering resigning for months.

▲ At the time of the seizure search of the home of the former Minister of Justice

Last year's deputy prosecutor Lee Gwang-suk (46, 33th Judicial Research and Training Institute), who headed a seizure search site at the time of the investigation of suspicion of family corruption by the former Minister of Justice of the homeland last year, expressed his appreciation.

According to the prosecution, the prosecutor filed for resignation on the 12th.

Resignations have not been repaired.

The Ministry of Justice will review the reasons for disqualification and decide whether to repair it.

It has been reported that the prosecutor has been considering resigning for months.

An official of the prosecution said, "I know there are various reasons including personal reasons."

This prosecutor worked at the Seoul Central District Attorney's Office Anti-Corruption Investigation Division 2 last year and served as the chief prosecutor in the investigation of the suspicion of family corruption.

In February of this year, we moved to the second part of the trial of the same prosecutor's office.

(Photo = Yonhap News)