Teller Report

The Government is inclined not to let Madrid pass to Phase 1 of the de-escalation

5/14/2020, 7:07:39 PM

The central government is inclined to keep the Community of Madrid in Phase 0 of the de-escalation of the coronavirus alarm state. This is how the mini has transferred it this afternoon

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The central government is inclined to keep the Community of Madrid in Phase 0 of the de - escalation of the coronavirus alarm state. This was transferred this afternoon by the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, to the Madrid counselor in the field, Enrique Ruiz Escudero.

The final decision, however, will be made this Friday after two new meetings between the general directorates of Public Health of the central and regional governments and another meeting between the minister and the counselor.

Sources from the Madrid government have assured EL MUNDO that the Pedro Sánchez Executive "recognizes Madrid's health capacity" and the "effort" made, but asks him for caution when it comes to passing the phase. The same sources assure that Illa "has not given a single argument" to justify her position.

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has announced that the Ministry of Health "does not seem to be ready" for the region to go to Phase 1 of the dewatering, but without providing "technical reasons". "They call us for another meeting tomorrow," he said through his Twitter account.

According to the regional leader, "Madrid meets all the criteria" because it has increased its capacity for hospital beds and coronavirus detection tests, in addition to having a "lower rate of infections".

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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