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People's Daily: Eliminate the "political virus" of conspiracy theories

5/14/2020, 11:28:05 PM

  Clean up the "political virus" of conspiracy theories (People's Forum)   For some time, some American politicians have squandered their blame for the ineffectiveness of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic. They have dumped all kinds of lies in China. They have made up lies of various kinds. It originated from a laboratory in China, and later said that it was not sure about the origin of the new...

  Clean up the "political virus" of conspiracy theories (People's Forum)

  For some time, some American politicians have squandered their blame for the ineffectiveness of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic. They have dumped all kinds of lies in China. They have made up lies of various kinds. It originated from a laboratory in China, and later said that it was not sure about the origin of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic. This conspiracy theory that did not match the preface, left an extremely disgraceful mark in this unprecedented contest between humans and viruses.

  Virus tracing is a serious scientific issue. The source of the new crown virus has not yet been determined. The first reported outbreak in China does not mean that it is the source of the virus. This has become a broad consensus in the scientific community. The relevant person in charge of the World Health Organization has repeatedly stated that all the known evidence indicates that the new coronavirus was not obtained by manual intervention or manufacture in the laboratory; many scientists have studied the gene sequence of the new coronavirus and are convinced that the new coronavirus is from nature. Vincent Lacanillo, an expert in microbiology and immunology at Columbia University, believes that the so-called virus may be artificially manufactured or leaked in the laboratory. "Many false statements are politically driven and have no scientific basis at all." The British journal Nature has issued three editorials in succession, apologizing for erroneously linking New Coronavirus to Wuhan and China, and calling for an end to irresponsible practices that associate the virus with specific locations.

  In the face of science and morality, some people's conspiracy theories are botched in the world and dangerous to themselves. When all kinds of rumors and conspiracy theories infiltrate the field, the rivers of public opinion will be full of sediment, which will affect people's emotions and interfere with the prevention and control of the epidemic. Because of this, the UN Secretary General Guterres called for “fighting misinformation because it is a poison that threatens more lives.” The World Health Organization says it is currently fighting two “pandemics”, respectively It is a new pandemic pneumonia epidemic pandemic and false information pandemic. It can be said that all manipulations that politicize the virus, and any words and deeds that concoct and spread conspiracy theories, are of no help to the prevention and control of the epidemic, and will only disturb the hearts of the people, destroy trust, and cause greater disasters.

  To overcome the epidemic, we must first find the right target. In the face of a violent epidemic, a large country with a population of 1.4 billion took more than a month to initially contain the spread of the epidemic, and took about two months to control the daily number of new local cases within single digits. In about three months, the decisive results of the Wuhan War and the Hubei War were achieved. The reason why China can achieve major strategic results in epidemic prevention and control is because it knows "Viruses are the common enemy of mankind", insists on "putting people's lives and health first" and firmly believes that "unity and cooperation are the victory of the international community" The epidemic is the most powerful weapon. " If there is any secret to China, this is the clear answer to the world.

  Not long ago, the New York Times published an open letter jointly signed by more than 70 experts and scholars in the field of public health in China and the United States, pointing out that spreading conspiracy theories or spreading rumors about the origin of the virus, thereby worsening bilateral relations, "has no place" , Calling for avoiding politicizing the epidemic. The attempt to "scramble the pot" and blame is unpopular and unhelpful. What the international community needs most now is a scientific attitude and a joint effort to fight the epidemic. The New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic proves once again that only building a community of human destiny is the right way on earth. At present, the global epidemic outbreak is still growing. It is the common responsibility of people to choose rationality, unity, and resist hatred and attack.

  The virus is the devil, and the "political virus" is the devil. The spread of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic is spreading around the world. Behind the shocking figures are a lot of life. At a critical moment when the epidemic has been coordinated around the world, lies can't make up for lost time, rumors can't save lost lives, and "throwing the pot" and slander can only dispel the power of unity. The use of science to defeat ignorance, eliminate prejudice with reason, and eliminate the "political virus" of conspiracy theories is the hope of global anti-epidemic and the common responsibility of all countries in the world.

Ren Ping