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More than 20,000 masks in Changzhou assist the Italian friendship city

5/14/2020, 1:43:45 PM

  China News, Changzhou, May 14 Question: More than 20,000 masks in Changzhou assist the Italian friendship city   Reporter Tang Juan   "Take care!" In the WeChat group of Tianning District, Changzhou, Jiangsu, and Lucchinano, Italy, the word became the warmest between the two newly formed friendship cities under this sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic. Heart greetings. As of now, there are 22,...

  China News, Changzhou, May 14 Question: More than 20,000 masks in Changzhou assist the Italian friendship city

  Reporter Tang Juan

  "Take care!" In the WeChat group of Tianning District, Changzhou, Jiangsu, and Lucchinano, Italy, the word became the warmest between the two newly formed friendship cities under this sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic. Heart greetings. As of now, there are 22,000 masks in the Tianning District of Changzhou City to aid the friendly city of Lucignano. In the current epidemic situation, these masks not only carry the good wishes of the people of Changzhou, but also make the two small cities and towns in Changzhou and Lucchinano even more genuine.

Selfie of Stefano Cresti, chairman of the Tourism Commission of the city of Lucignano, Italy. Photographer provides

  Changzhou, Jiangsu, known as the "City of Advanced Manufacturing" in the Yangtze River Delta, its main urban area, Tianning District, signed an agreement with the Italian city of Lucignano at the "2019 Jiangsu Township Development International Exchange Meeting" held in November last year Letter of intent for friendship town. Unexpectedly, the new crown pneumonia that followed disrupted the pace of economic, trade and cultural exchanges between the two places, but allowed the friendship between the two places to grow in the same boat.

Stefano Cresti, Chairman of the Tourism Commission of Lucchinano, Italy, made a video call with Luo Zhiyong, Director of the Commercial Bureau of Tianning District, Changzhou. Photo by Tang Juan

  The outbreak of new pneumonia in Europe and Italy became a severely affected area. Changzhou, which is a long distance away, has always been concerned about the progress of the anti-epidemic disease in Lucchinano, Italy. "We have no confirmed cases at present, but medical supplies are in short supply, especially masks, and we have been unable to find a channel to buy them." Facing the concern of the friendly city, Stefano Ke, chairman of the Tourism Commission of Lucignano, Italy Leisti asked for help during a video call with Luo Zhiyong, director of the Commerce Bureau of Tianning District, Changzhou.

The mayor of Italy Lucinano, Robert Cassie (right), and the chairman of the Tourism Commission of Lucinano, Italy, Stefano Cresti, expressed their gratitude after receiving the aid mask. Photographer provides

  The situation in Lucignano not only links the friendly exchanges between the two places, but also affects the hearts of the people of the two places. After learning of the shortage of local masks, Tianning District of Changzhou City ordered a batch of masks to be sent to Italy. After the transportation channel was opened, the second batch of 10 boxes of 20,000 medical masks were sent on March 23, each box was printed with Cuor forte rompe cattiva sorte! (Strong confidence can break doom!) Forza Lucignano! (Come on, Lucignano!) And other words, carrying a good wish box to support the city of Lucignano. As of April 16, all masks have been shipped to the friendly city of Lucignano.

Masks sent to Italy. Photo by Tang Juan

  "Thank you Tianning's friends for sending us a special gift to the citizens of Lucignano at such a difficult time." I am impressed by Changzhou's deep friendship for the friendly city of Lucignano, Lucignano, Italy Mayor Robert Cassini specially made a video to express gratitude on behalf of all citizens. She said in the video that although the exchanges between the two places are currently hindered by the epidemic, after the epidemic, Lucchinano will It will join hands with Changzhou Tianning to promote the various exchanges and cooperation that have been included in the plan and yet to be carried out.

  "Not long ago, Chairman Stefano Cresti sent a selfie. He wore the mask we sent in the photo, and he specially drew two moustache on the mask. We were very relieved to see the photos. At present, Changzhou is already a low-risk area, and the epidemic situation in Italy is gradually improving. In the epidemic situation, we are fighting side by side. After the epidemic situation, our friendship will bear more sweet fruits. "Luo Zhiyong said. (Finish)