Teller Report

Moa Lundgren that women dominate: Right

5/14/2020, 2:19:33 PM

The women are more than the men in the cross country team's squad next season. Quite right, thinks Moa Lundgren, who is new to the A-team. - It is reasonable that those who have advanced placements should be allowed to join a national team, says Moa Lundgren to SVT Sport.

Nine women and five men have entered the A-national team in cross-country skiing season coming. In addition, if the skiers are counted in the national team and the development national team, the distribution is fourteen women and eight men.

Moa Lundgren, who is one of three national team debutants, thinks the distribution is correct.

- Last year there were more guys than girls, then the guys had six places more in total. So I think it is with all the right that we girls can be more this year, ”says Moa Lundgren to SVT Sport.

Do you think women performed better than men?

- I think it is reasonable that those who have advanced placements should be allowed to join a national team.

"Don't want to perform worse"

One news is that the trainers, who were previously divided between the female and male riders, will work with all riders. Moa Lundgren looks forward to it even though she will still be trained by her dad.

- They have incredible experiences and a lot of knowledge, so I look forward to having them as ball boards and see how we can weave them into the organization.

Although the 22-year-old was not part of the A-national team last year, there were several world cup competitions.

- It was my best season so far. I didn't expect such steps in the distance.

What is the goal this season?

- I do not want to perform worse. So I'll try to keep it and take new steps and aim for a World Cup.