Teller Report

Jilin illustrator creates "page turning picture" for war epidemic

5/14/2020, 2:09:59 PM

  [Commentary] Li Xiaoyu is an illustrator in Changchun, Jilin. Since the outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia, she has created several "page turning pictures" that cheer for China and encourage medical staff, and publish the creation process through the online platform Praise from netizens.   On May 14, the reporter came to Li Xiaoyu's studio and saw that she was creating a new work. At presen...

  [Commentary] Li Xiaoyu is an illustrator in Changchun, Jilin. Since the outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia, she has created several "page turning pictures" that cheer for China and encourage medical staff, and publish the creation process through the online platform Praise from netizens.

  On May 14, the reporter came to Li Xiaoyu's studio and saw that she was creating a new work. At present, the situation of Jilin Shulan epidemic prevention and control is tense, and the local area has entered a "wartime state". As a "Jilin fellow", Li Xiaoyu decided to use his expertise to contribute to the fight against the epidemic.

  [Same period] (Illustrator Li Xiaoyu) The scene of a vegetable basket in the picture is to show the people's attention to Jilin Province. The people of the country sent various materials to Jilin Province. This epidemic. As a fellow of Jilin, I cheer for Jilin in this way.

  [Commentary] The reporter saw that with just a few simple strokes, Li Xiaoyu outlined the map of Jilin Province and the whole picture of Jilin Station. The seemingly easy "page turning painting" actually contained her confidence in Jilin Province's victory over the epidemic.

  Li Xiaoyu recalled that the earliest creation of the "page turning picture" was in early February. After the creation was completed, it was spread to the Internet and received many praises.

  [Same period] (Illustrator Li Xiaoyu) I saw many touching videos during the epidemic, and there are many touching pictures in the videos. After seeing these pictures, I wanted to use my way to record them.

  【Explanation】 As of 24:00 on May 13, Jilin Province has reported a total of 115 locally diagnosed cases, a total of 92 cases have been cured and discharged, 22 cases have been isolated in hospital (22 cases in Jilin City), and 1 died. At present, there are 495 close contacts of local confirmed cases, all of whom are under isolation medical observation at designated locations.

  Li Xiaoyu said that her strength alone may be weak, but she wants to use these works to consolidate her strength and show the confidence of Jilin people in fighting against the epidemic.

  Reporter Lu Shengnan from Changchun

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]