Teller Report

In the video, doctors receive "golden stays" and pledge to continue confronting the epidemic

5/14/2020, 8:34:05 PM

Doctors at Dubai Health received their passports with a golden residency, and pledged to continue confronting the epidemic in the first line of defense. The doctors told Emirates Today that the honor of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has achieved Have a dream to live

Doctors at Dubai Health received their passports, crowned with a golden residence, and pledged to continue confronting the epidemic in the first line of defense.

The doctors told Emirates Today that the honor of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has fulfilled the dream of living and staying in Dubai for a longer period, and they will remain a single class in facing all the challenges facing the UAE, as their homeland Second, stressing that the UAE proves every day that the human being is the treasure and the real wealth.

They mentioned that this generous gesture made them dream of living and staying in Dubai for a longer period, and they affirmed that they will remain together in facing all the challenges facing the UAE, being their second home, stressing that the UAE proves every day that the human being is the treasure and the real wealth.

In the video, doctors receive "golden stays" and pledge to continue confronting the epidemic. #Emirates today

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) May 14, 2020

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