Teller Report

In fact, the Zamalek Club caused the death of a severed employee .. The administration issues a statement, and Mortada Mansour denies taking responsibility

5/14/2020, 8:01:16 PM

Zamalek club has cut doubt on the certainty of the fact that one of the club's workers died because of its failure to receive their dues for the last months. Zamalek, whose chairman is Counselor Mortada Mandour, issued an official statement this evening through his official website, saying: “Zamalek Club confirms that the rumors that

Al-Zamalek club has discredited the certainty of the fact that one of the club's workers died due to her failure to receive her dues for the last months.

Zamalek, whose board is chaired by Counselor Mortada Mendour, issued an official statement this evening through his official website, saying: "The Zamalek Club confirms that the rumors that were circulated in the past hours about the late lady that the club had dispensed with its services are unfounded and that God has mercy on her, she resigned from Working inside the club since last March due to special circumstances. "

In the statement published by the Egyptian Echo website, Zamalek Club confirms that all the rumors are ridiculous rumors that aim, as usual, to stir up trouble and crises in Zamalek without right, especially since the council, led by Counselor Mortada Mansour, is always standing next to the club’s sons and employees.

He continued: "The Zamalek club's board of directors, led by Counselor Mortada Mansour, mourns the death of one of the club's former employees, calling on God Almighty that the deceased be buried with the blessings of his mercy and for her family patience and solace."

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