Teller Report

How to protect yourself from corona during the use of public transport?

5/14/2020, 7:37:11 PM

As the world looks to ease closures and mandatory quarantine, fears increase that mixing - especially in crowded places - will lead to the uncontrolled emergence of the new Corona virus, which causes Covid 19, again. Many fear that a return to the use of public transport may lead to the worst-case scenario, and New York State Governor Andrew Como warned at a news conference on April 24 that the v...

As the world looks to ease closures and mandatory quarantine, fears increase that mixing - especially in crowded places - will lead to the uncontrolled emergence of the new Corona virus, which causes Covid 19, again.

Many fear that a return to the use of public transport may lead to the worst-case scenario, and New York State Governor Andrew Como warned at a news conference on April 24 that the virus could survive for 72 hours on the plastic and steel surfaces of public transportation. .

Writer Brittany Shang said in a report published by Business Insider in its Italian version that there are a number of tips and measures that would dispel fears of spreading infection within transportation.

The author interviewed a group of experts, including Thomas Ciaziak, a viral disease expert at the University of Texas, Bernard Cummins, a professor of infectious diseases at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and Princess Royce, a professor of medicine, global health and epidemiology at George Mason University, and Avishah Farouzich, an infectious disease expert, and extracted a set of advice from them Value for safe use of transportation:

1- Do not touch the phone inside public transportation,
even though expert Carol Shaukes Reyes, a professor of biology, neuroscience and public health at New York University, believes that using your mobile phone within public transportation does not pose a risk unless someone coughs toward you directly, many experts advise against touching Phones on the go via public transport.

Princess Royce recommends changing some behaviors and habits in order to get used to not touching the phone by placing it, for example, in a different place in the bag, and in this case once you search for it in the usual place you will remember that you moved it to another place in order not to use it, and as an additional precaution you can clean the phone screen With a sterile tissue, wash hands with soap and water after touching it.


2- Take a hand sanitizer with you and use it when getting off from public transportation.
Almost all experts advise to use a hand sanitizer when leaving any public transportation to avoid infection, according to the specialist Forouzich: If water and soap are not available, then using a hand sanitizer is an available and easy alternative to use. Anywhere.

3- Do not touch your face. One
of the important advice when you are in public transportation or in other places is not to touch the face. Infectious disease experts stress in particular not to touch the eyes, nose and mouth.

4- Try to stay away from those who cough or sneeze.
If someone coughs on the train or on the subway, it is necessary to change the place inside the vehicle or get off at the next station and go to another vehicle, and if the crowding is severe inside the bus or train, it is necessary to Turn around and give your back to the person who coughs or sneezes.

5- Wash your hands with soap and water whenever possible.
All experts interviewed by Business Insider recommend washing hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds after using public transportation.

6- Reducing contact with poles and seats in trains and buses.
It is important to avoid touching poles and seats inside trains and buses. If this is not possible, hands should be cleansed once you leave the transportation means, and it is necessary not to touch the nose, eyes, or mouth except after cleaning the hands well, and in If using tissue paper when holding anything inside the transportation means, it must be placed in a bag and closed and be sure to throw it in the trash.


7- Getting out of work early or late to avoid crowding
. Traveling on a crowded train during rush time is completely contrary to measures of social estrangement, which Thomas Tsiask, a viral disease expert at the University of Texas, affirms that have contributed strongly to trapping the virus in Wuhan, China.

Therefore, it is advisable, if possible, to be out of business a little early or somewhat late, to avoid the use of public transportation during prime time.

8- Do not eat or drink on public transportation.
Specialist Forouzich warns against eating or drinking on public transportation because there is a great possibility to touch the face.

9 - Cleanse the bag and do not put it on the floor or on other surfaces
if you have put your bag on any of the surfaces of the train, bus or metro, you must completely sterilize it, and it is not difficult at all if you have antiseptic wipes.

10- Avoid touching barriers with hands.
Many germs can collect on barriers inside stations, so push them using your body instead of your hands if possible.

11- Follow the advice of local health authorities and specialized centers
. Forouzich says that general panic contributes to the spread of misinformation, and recommends only following the words of experts and centers specialized in treating and preventing infectious diseases.