Teller Report

Citizens at Beijing Stadium say that life is gradually returning to normal "very stable" -Zhongxin Video

5/14/2020, 8:28:16 AM

  [Explanation] As the prevention and control situation of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic gradually improves, the public fitness centers in many places in China have resumed opening.   On May 13th, a reporter from China News Service visited a number of sports venues in Beijing and saw that online booking applications, production of health codes, admission registration, temperature measuremen...

  [Explanation] As the prevention and control situation of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic gradually improves, the public fitness centers in many places in China have resumed opening.

  On May 13th, a reporter from China News Service visited a number of sports venues in Beijing and saw that online booking applications, production of health codes, admission registration, temperature measurement and other prevention and control measures became the norm.

  [Same period] Fitness people Wang Bin

  A normalized prevention and control measure, I think this is very necessary. Whether it is for yourself or for others, it is a very comprehensive (measure). For example, every time we play before, we have to report an ID card one day in advance, and we need to measure the body temperature when we come, and Beijing Healthbao should scan it. I think this is very good. Whether it is for the staff of the stadium or for the people who play with us, it is a health guarantee.

  【Same period】 Fang Lu

  I feel very happy, I feel that my life can be restored to the original state again, I feel very stable. Although this epidemic has been affected for a long time, we are now able to return to such a life under the vigorous epidemic prevention situation. I feel very excited and very happy.

  [Explanation] The safe and orderly restoration of the opening of sports and fitness venues not only meets the fitness needs of the public, but also "decompresses" the stadium operators who are under pressure to operate.

  [Same period] Miao Zhi, director of Beijing Ditan Gymnasium

  All of our income is collected by venue opening. If there is no venue opening in these five months, our income is equal to zero. Under the premise that income is zero, our employees are at work, which means that expenditure has always been there. This It is a very big pressure for operators.

  [Explanation] From April 30th, Beijing will adjust the first-level response to public health emergencies to a second-level response, and adjust related prevention and control strategies accordingly. According to relevant guidelines, the public may not wear masks in principle in outdoor environments. On the same day, the reporter saw at an outdoor fitness facility in Dongcheng District, Beijing that most of the people on the spot did not wear masks.

  [Same period] Cheng Fang, Head of Tennis Club, Beijing Tiantan Sports Activity Center

  The outdoor fitness venue is theoretically better than the indoor ventilation, and the capacity is more. However, in order to strictly implement the policies of the superiors, we still did not relax the restrictions on the number of people. We still adopted such a policy of up to four people, including early admission. This is strictly controlled. We only started after the front consumer group withdrew. Will let the later groups come in again.

  【Commentary】 Before that, Beijing requested relevant departments to strengthen spot checks and inspections on the reopened sports and fitness places to ensure that the prevention and control measures after the opening of sports and fitness places were put in place.

  [Same period] Zhang Qingchun, deputy director of Beijing Dongcheng District Sports Bureau

  When exercising, the entrance and exit of the exercise group are specifically determined, and the exercise area and the work area are separated, so as to ensure the safety of the fitness group to the greatest extent. Before starting the exercise, our venue will do the killing work. After one unit ends, we will immediately kill the killing, and at the same time ventilate to prepare for the next unit mass exercise.

  [Commentary] At present, many places in China have gradually opened up various outdoor and indoor public sports venues in accordance with the principle of "classification and time sharing".

  Reporter Xu Pengpeng reports from Beijing

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]