Teller Report

Boccia: "Regions blame us for too stringent guidelines? No steps back on security"

5/14/2020, 6:24:59 PM

The Minister for Regional Affairs then - interviewed by the Sardines - says that the request made by the Municipalities for more resources must be a priority for the MEF, without controversy. Furthermore, it does not exclude the extension of citizenship income to regularized workers. Finally on the App he assures: "It will be used. Tracking to make everyone safe"

  • Boccia: sent the guidelines to the Regions for Phase 2, on the 25th the gyms reopen
  • Reopenings. State-regions table at the start. Boccia: "Protocols for bars and restaurants are coming soon"
  • Boccia: no opening without security protocols
  • Coronavirus. Boccia transmits documents to Avvocato, "It is official we appeal Calabria decision"
  • Coronavirus, Boccia: "To reopen the Regions respect the Inail lines"


May 14, 2020 "To those who are eager to ride the political wave of economic recovery, I say that we are in another era". This was stated by the Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, interviewed by Sardines about Phase 2. Underlining the importance of ensuring safety within the workplace, Boccia noted that "we want everyone to start the economic recovery and I think we need to simplify as much as possible and turn bureaucrats into simplificers. " 

 "I know for sure that many Regions, although we are defining guidelines to open almost everything, they reproach us that they are stringent - continues Boccia - But we on safety at work do not take steps back, because it must be clear that the next places of infection will be working ones. 

a Regions: "Do not send businessmen to" massacre
"Now we work in the exclusive interest of the citizens, knowing that we all want colder the economy. Now let's start from the most resistant Italians "that is" entrepreneurs and workers who have been stopped, but let them do it safely. Let's not send them to the massacre, because we would all go and I would never forgive myself for this ", underlines the minister. 

@F_Boccia: “We are in another era. Going loose, thinking only of the economic recovery, cannot clash with the right to health. We must #sburocratize, as was done in Bari by the mayor @Antonio_Decaro ". # Covid_19 #decretorilancio

- 6000 Sardines (@ 6000sardine) May 14, 2020
Battle of Municipalities, priority for ministry of economy
"Municipalities do not ask for resources for themselves. I share the battle of Decaro. From this point of view, the Ministry of Economy must consider the requests of mayors an absolute priority, much more than the usual dynamics that characterize the daily life of the ministry itself. I say this without controversy, but if an agreement is made with the Municipalities this agreement must be satisfactory for both "emphasizes Boccia regarding the requests made by Italian municipalities. 

App will be used. Tracking to make everyone safe
"Tracking is already done, I have had positive people nearby, and I have also been tracked, by hand, by the ASL, now it will be done with a mobile phone" explains the Minister for Regional Affairs, underlining that it will come to digital tracking. "The app is used to make everyone safe - he assures - no one will be a censor for workers and employers, but if someone does not respect the guidelines they will be responsible for them". "The tracing serves to identify a possible outbreak, and at that point you have to intervene", concludes the minister.

There have been errors in hospitals and Rsa, but a lesson has served
"Mistakes? Scolding me something? When it is finished it will be easier to do the analysis, with all the health data on the table, perhaps you could concentrate the purchases 15 days before" of the principals sanitary from abroad. So Boccia, stressing that "perhaps it should have been the government that immediately called Chinese diplomacy".

Mes: Money with symbolic interest, will be discussed in Parliament
Those of Mes are money, 37 billion, with a symbolic interest, will be discussed in Parliament, it will then be interesting to look at how many resources go to the various regions. The allotment has not yet been decided, explains Boccia, speaking in general of the various month resources in the field by the government. "What this 55 billion bill means - he underlines - is that we are trying to restart the country".

I do not exclude widening citizenship income to workers who are now regularized
"I do not exclude it, now we will have a clearer picture of the general economic condition, also by bands". So the Minister for Regional Affairs answers a question from the leader of the Sardines, Mattia Santori, who asks him if we can think about extending the emergency income also for those workers now regulated by the decree passed yesterday evening by the government.