Teller Report

Beware of false mask sellers in Loire-Atlantique

5/14/2020, 2:49:11 PM

False sellers came to the home of the elderly, alerts the gendarmerieMasks (illustration) - RAPHAEL BLOCH / SIPA Not up to standard, sold under the cloak ... The masks have definitely given rise to numerous scams in recent days. On Wednesday, the Loire-Atlantique gendarmerie called for vigilance among individuals, and in particular the elderly. According to the police, fake sellers of home masks have been reported in the department. Three events have already taken ...

Masks (illustration) - RAPHAEL BLOCH / SIPA

Not up to standard, sold under the cloak ... The masks have definitely given rise to numerous scams in recent days. On Wednesday, the Loire-Atlantique gendarmerie called for vigilance among individuals, and in particular the elderly. According to the police, fake sellers of home masks have been reported in the department. Three events have already taken place in the Châteaubriant sector.

Theft of money or jewelry

Each time, these people indicated that they came to distribute masks, free or not. Once inside the accommodation, they tried "to steal the victim's money or jewelry," reports the gendarmerie. Two young men, around 25 years old and traveling on board a Clio, are in particular wanted after acts of this type against several elderly people. Three weeks ago, a nonagenarian couple had been abused by a fake door-to-door salesperson, reported the Ouest-France newspaper .

Among its instructions, the gendarmerie advises, in case of doubt, to request a professional card or proof of intervention from any person who presents himself as a municipal officer or a police officer.


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  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Gendarmerie
  • Scam
  • Nantes
  • Society