Teller Report

103,000 self-employed caregivers have applied for Medicare assistance

5/14/2020, 3:40:16 PM

This financial assistance was created to compensate for the loss of activities related to the coronavirus and the containment period

A doctor (illustration) - Dinendra Haria / Shutters / SIPA

Doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, nurses, midwives, speech therapists, pharmacists: Health Insurance said on Wednesday that it had received 103,000 requests from liberal health professionals wishing to benefit from the financial aid created to compensate for the loss of activity linked to coronavirus and containment.

The system, designed to offset their costs and not to guarantee their income, takes into account the fees received in 2019 (excluding overruns), those possibly collected between March 16 and April 30, the average "charge rate" by profession and any other aid received.

"The system will be reactivated at the end of May"

If "the amount validated during payment" is not precisely known, "we are already easily at 300-400 million euros," said the director general of Medicare, Nicolas Revel, during a videoconference organized by the Association of journalists from social information. It provides "a point on the subject in the second half of May".

However, the counter has not stopped running. "The system will be reactivated at the end of May" with a new "declaration window" for the loss of activity for the current month.

A lower rate of consultations

Beyond that, "if the recovery is not there, we will have to provide another compensation mechanism based on income," however warned Jean-Paul Ortiz, president of the CSMF. The main union of liberal doctors is particularly worried about the surgeons, who "cannot work because their clinics have been requisitioned to accommodate Covid patients".

The new hygiene measures will, however, have an effect in all specialties and will "likely lead to a lower consultation rate" than before, he predicted. For these reasons, "it will be necessary to open urgently a conventional negotiation" with the Health Insurance, to review in particular "the valuation of the acts", that is to say the tariffs of the consultations.


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  • Health
  • Confinement
  • Coronavirus
  • Pharmacy
  • Health Insurance
  • Doctor