Teller Report

What is the economic weight of foreign tourists in France?

5/13/2020, 6:09:18 AM

Will we be able to go on vacation elsewhere in Europe this summer? & Nbsp; & nbsp; The European Commission will present its recommendations for the reopening of borders during the day

Will we be able to go on vacation elsewhere in Europe this summer? European Commission to present recommendations for border reopening today

The European Commission is presenting its aid plan for tourism on Wednesday. In Europe, many countries such as Greece, Spain and even Italy live partly from tourism. This is also true for France: tourism accounts for 7% of its GDP. And a summer without tourists could therefore further aggravate the crisis.

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France is the number one destination in the world, with nearly 90 million visitors a year. People come here for its monuments or for its beaches. But also for its congresses, Paris is for example the first destination in the world for these major events.

Even if it has dropped since Brexit, the British are the most numerous to come to France ahead of the Germans. Europeans represent almost 70% of all tourists. Outside Europe, we can count on the Americans and the Chinese. Very important clienteles because they spend a lot. The Chinese, for example, alone account for a quarter of the turnover of the Lafayette galleries in Paris

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In all, tourists bring 55.5 billion euros to France. But France is only the third destination in the world in this area, Spain and the United States are ahead. The problem is that tourists do not stay with us long enough: just under seven nights. This is simply explained: a good part of our tourism is passing tourism. For example, Germans or Dutch people who drive down to Spain and stop overnight with us are counted as tourists. In any case, this summer, professionals are counting mainly on the French to save the season ...