Teller Report

What are the 175 million Chinese netizens who love to do? Are you addicted to games?

5/13/2020, 5:09:25 AM

  China News Service Client, Beijing, May 13 (Reporter Wu Tao) "The scale of China's minor Internet users in 2019 is 175 million, and the Internet penetration rate of minors has reached 93.1%. The proportion of minors reaching the Internet before school age has increased significantly, exceeding 30% Elementary school netizens go online before school. "

  On the 13th, the Communist Youth League Central Department for the Protection of Youth Rights and Interests and the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) jointly released the "2019 National Internet Use Research Report for Minors" detailing what minor netizens love to do online, as well as online learning and games Entertainment and other situations. Look, is it the situation of your children?

Internet popularization of urban and rural minors. Image source: report in the text

Status of juvenile netizens: over 70% of netizens have their own Internet access equipment

  The report shows that the use of Internet by minors in China has become quite popular. The scale of underage Internet users in 2019 was 175 million. The digital gap between urban and rural minors has been further bridged, with the Internet penetration rate of urban minors reaching 93.9% and rural minors reaching 90.3%. The difference between the two groups has fallen to 3.6 percentage points from 5.4 percentage points in 2018.

  Mobile phones are the Internet tools most used by minors. The survey found that the proportion of underage netizens using various types of Internet access devices are mobile phones (93.9%), televisions (56.7%), desktop computers (45.0%), notebook computers (31.5%), and tablet computers (28.9%).

Image source: report in the text

  The proportion of under-age Internet users who own their own Internet access equipment has reached 74.0%. The proportion of mobile phones is the highest, reaching 63.6%; followed by tablet computers, it is 24.0%.

  However, the survey shows that 81.9% of the schools where the minors are located do not allow students to bring mobile phones into the school; 15.0% of the schools allow students to bring mobile phones into the school, but they must give the mobile phone to the teacher for safekeeping or shut down or mute during class; 3.1% The school has not yet made regulations on the use of mobile phones by students.

  In terms of urban-rural differences, underage netizens in urban areas use mobile phones to reach 94.0%, and rural areas also reach 93.4%, a difference of only 0.6%. The proportion of rural netizens using laptop computers and tablet computers is quite different from that of urban minors, with the gap reaching 15.7 and 10.9 percentage points respectively.

Image source: report in the text

  In terms of duration of Internet access, 9.9% of the average daily online duration of underage netizens on working days is more than 2 hours, and 10.4% of the average daily online duration on holidays is more than 5 hours. The report pointed out that minor Internet users may be adversely affected by excessive use of the Internet.

  It is worth noting that the Internet's ability to penetrate younger groups continues to increase. 32.9% of primary school netizens started using the Internet before school age . The proportion of high school and vocational students using the Internet for the first time before school age was 15.9% and 10.7%, junior high school students increased to 18.8%, and the proportion of primary school students using the Internet for the first time was the highest, reaching 32.9%.

The proportion of underage netizens who frequently engage in various activities online. Image source: report in the text

What do minor Internet users love to do?

  The report points out that learning, listening to music, and playing games are among the top three online activities of minor Internet users.

Among the various activities that minor netizens often engage in online, the top three are online learning (89.6%), listening to music (65.9%), and playing games (61.0%) . Others include: online chat (58.0%), watching short videos (46.2%), searching for information (44.9%), watching videos (37.5%), watching animations or comics (33.2%), using social networking sites (32.0%), etc. .

Image source: report in the text

——Nearly 90% of underage netizens use the Internet to learn

  89.6% of underage netizens use the Internet for learning, an increase of 2.2 percentage points from 87.4% in 2018, and the proportion of various online learning activities has increased to varying degrees from 2018.

  Among them, the proportion of learning extracurricular knowledge and reviewing through the Internet has the most obvious increase compared with 2018, both increased by more than 5 percentage points; the proportion of learning through professional online education platforms has also increased by 3.9 percentage points compared with 2018.

  The survey shows that 66.1% of underage netizens believe that online access has a positive impact on their learning to varying degrees, an increase of 13.1 percentage points from 53.0% in 2018.

  It is worth noting that the Internet allows minors to complete their homework through information, but the problems caused by this model have also caused controversy.

  In February 2019, the Ministry of Education responded, "Teachers are not allowed to assign homework through mobile phone WeChat and QQ, etc., and hand over the task of correcting homework to parents to avoid the phenomenon of school burden reduction, social burden reduction, teacher burden reduction, and parent burden burden. . "

  However, the report's survey results show that 51.1% of junior high school students have used the Internet to complete their homework, which is significantly higher than other education levels. This proportion was 44.0% among elementary school students, 42.1% among high school students and 42.9% among vocational students.

Image source: report in the text

——Nearly 20% of underage netizens spend money on mobile games

  According to the report, 61.0% of underage netizens often play games online. Among them, 56.3% played mobile games and 24.6% played computer games. Mobile phones are the main devices for minors to play games online.

  The proportion of underage netizens playing mobile games in all educational levels is over 50%. The proportion of elementary school netizens playing mobile games reaches 51.1%; the junior high school students and high school students netizens are 61.2% and 59.2% respectively; the vocational school students netizens reach 71.7%.

  Among them, the proportion of mobile game users in elementary school, junior high school, and high school, who played mobile games more than 2 hours a week on weekdays, was 8.9%, 13.3%, and 15.4%, respectively, and 27.9% of netizens of vocational students.

  In terms of game duration, the survey shows that among underage mobile game users, the average daily mobile phone game playing time exceeds 2 hours to reach 12.5%, which may adversely affect their normal learning and life .

  On holidays, the proportion of mobile game users in elementary school, junior high school, and high school, who played mobile games more than 2 hours a day, increased to 14.1%, 22.5%, and 27.3% respectively, and the netizens of secondary vocational students reached 39.0%.

  Regarding the payment of underage netizens for playing mobile games, the survey revealed that 83.1% of the underage netizens who played mobile games did not pay for the game. The average monthly consumption of 2.0% of users is between 51 yuan and 100 yuan, and 3.3% of users pay more than 100 yuan per month.

Image source: report in the text

——Short video can hardly prevent minors from watching bad content

  The survey shows that listening to music and playing games are still the main online entertainment activities of minor Internet users, accounting for 65.9% and 61.0%, respectively. The proportion of watching short videos and live webcasts also maintained a relatively high growth, up 5.7 and 6.4 percentage points respectively from 2018.

  The proportion of underage netizens who regularly watch short videos on the Internet in 2019 reached 46.2%, an increase of 5.7 percentage points from 40.5% in 2018, second only to listening to music and online games, and becoming one of the most commonly used online entertainment.

  According to the report, 9.8% of underage users watching short videos will watch short videos for more than 2 hours on weekdays; this proportion will increase to 14.9% on holidays. The proportion of netizens in elementary school, junior high school and high school who watched short videos for more than 2 hours a day on weekdays was 6.3%, 10.0% and 13.8%, and the netizens of secondary vocational students were 22.5%.

  "The proportion of primary school students netizens watching short videos reached 38.3%, junior high school students and high school students netizens 52.7% and 52.4%, respectively, and vocational school student netizens reached 70.3%."

  It is worth noting that the report pointed out that the short video website is a content publishing and operating platform rather than a creator. The content of the platform is actively uploaded by users. In this process, it is difficult to prevent minors from viewing vulgar or unhealthy content.

  "Although short video companies have reviewed user-uploaded videos through image recognition technology, and many platforms have large manual review teams, some vulgar and undesirable content in the gray area lacks a clear judgment boundary, and the content is difficult to be completely distinguished. . "

  In addition to short videos, the proportion of underage netizens watching live webcasts continues to increase, reaching 19.8% in 2019, an increase of 6.4 percentage points from 13.4% in 2018. On the one hand, this growth comes from the penetration of online live broadcasting in the minor group, on the other hand, it is also affected by the rapid development of the emerging e-commerce live broadcasting industry in 2019.

Minor netizens have encountered bad information on the Internet. Image source: report in the text

Are minors online safe? Over 15% have encountered obscene pornography and other content

  According to the report, the use of the Internet is an important right of minors, but cyber violence, cyber violations, and bad information are repeatedly prohibited. Some websites and apps illegally collect, abuse, and buy and sell minor personal information.

  The survey shows that 54.6% of underage netizens will consciously avoid posting personal information online; 41.3% will make online personal information visible to friends; 29.8% will seek parental consent before posting personal information online; however, 20.8% Minor Internet users do not possess any of the above privacy protection awareness.

  46.0% of underage netizens have encountered various types of bad information in the process of going online. Among them, the proportion of information that shows off wealth is the highest, reaching 23.5%; the proportion of obscene pornography, bloody violence, and negative ideological content also exceeds 15%.

  The report points out that bad online information has a great negative impact on the learning and life of minors and hinders the construction of interpersonal relationships. Violence and pornographic information may also become important factors inducing crime.

  In addition, the proportion of underage netizens who have been satirized or abused online is 42.3%; the proportion of themselves or relatives who have been maliciously harassed online has reached 22.1%; the proportion of personal information that has been disclosed online without permission has reached 13.8%.

  "The proportion of minors experiencing cybersecurity incidents is lower than that of overall netizens. 66.0% of minor netizens said they have not encountered cybersecurity incidents in the past six months, higher than the overall netizens' 55.6%." However, the report said Values ​​are in the formative stage, and their resistance to cyber violence is low, and they need to be paid more attention. (Finish)