Teller Report

Wearing a mask, visiting grandchildren ... Jimmy Mohamed answers 5 questions on deconfinement

5/13/2020, 6:45:12 PM

Do you have to wear a mask all the time when you leave your house & nbsp ;? And at home when we have visitors? Dr Jimmy Mohamed, columnist on Europe 1, answers your questions on deconfinement.

Do you have to wear a mask all the time when you leave your house? And at home when we have visitors? Dr Jimmy Mohamed, columnist on Europe 1, answers your questions on deconfinement.


Since Monday, May 11, deconfinement began everywhere in France. But if we can start going out again, go to work, see relatives, many limitations remain in force. And it is especially recommended to wear a mask as soon as we go out. But should you always wear it outside? And when we receive visitors from us, is the mask essential? What to do when it is impossible to wear it? Dr Jimmy Mohamed, general practitioner and columnist on the program Sans rendez-vous , on Europe 1, answers 5 questions.

Should you wear a mask as soon as you leave your home?

The government has only made the wearing of masks compulsory on public transport. But for Dr. Mohamed, the ideal is to wear a mask in all enclosed places.

Outside, unless a person carrying the virus gnaws on you, there is little risk that you will get sick, says our specialist. However, he recommends putting on a mask as soon as we leave our home and not just when arriving at a store or on transport, and not removing it until we get home.

If my grandchildren come to see me, should I wear a mask?

For Dr. Mohamed, caution should be exercised since we know that the older we are, the greater the risk of developing a serious form of Covid-19.

If you are elderly and have hypertension, diabetes or any other illness, you are at very high risk. Dr. Jimmy Mohamed even recommends delaying the visit of your grandchildren. On the other hand, if you do not have a chronic pathology and if you have respected confinement, there is no particular contraindication to receive from the visit. But wearing a mask is recommended, even at home, to avoid any risk of contamination if one of your loved ones is an asymptomatic carrier of the virus.

>> VIDEO -  How to properly position your mask to protect yourself from the coronavirus?

I work with children and cannot wear a mask. How to do ?

For Dr Jimmy Mohamed, "the minimum trade union" to protect the most vulnerable is to wear a mask. If people do not cough on you and if you wash your hands properly, "there is no reason for the virus to jump on you," says our columnist.

It is also recommended to ventilate the room in which you are to freshen the air and "avoid that it turns almost like the metro".

I have trouble breathing when I wear a mask. Is this normal?

If you wear washable masks, you must first of all be careful to make or buy models that meet Afnor standards. These standards guarantee a filtering of 70 to 90% of the particles and therefore of the virus. But also that you can breathe without suffocation.

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed also recommends avoiding playing sports with a mask. Not only will you have a hard time getting oxygen, but you may also get your mask wet with your sweat. And if the mask is wet, it becomes permeable to the virus and is no longer effective. Wearing the mask is not easy and we will have to get used to it, concedes our doctor.


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I was not confined with my boyfriend, can I kiss him?

If you both respected confinement and exceeded the 14 day incubation period, there is no problem. On the other hand, if your partner has been more recently in contact with a sick person, there is a risk of transmission of the virus.

Nevertheless, Dr. Jimmy Mohamed recognizes "that there are the rules of medicine but also social life which must resume".