Teller Report

Trump sleeps 4 hours .. And Merkel stores sleep for free time

5/13/2020, 10:10:38 PM

Do leaders sleep like the rest of the people? Do they sleep in a quiet sleep, and do they get plenty of sleep? Many are eager to find out the answers to these questions, and here are brief answers about the leaders' sleep habits: Donald Trampinam, the American president, Donald Trump, three to four hours

Do leaders sleep like the rest of the people? Do they sleep in a quiet sleep, and do they get plenty of sleep? Many are eager to know the answers to these questions, and here are brief answers to the leaders' sleep habits:

Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump sleeps only three to four hours a night, is sheltering to bed at one o'clock in the morning or more, and he boasts that what he does is a successful tactic, as evidenced by saying: "How does a person who sleeps 12 or 14 hours a day compete with a person He only sleeps three or four hours? ” Trump wakes up at 5:30 am, and sometimes starts making phone calls at about 6 am. He does not drink coffee to stimulate activity in his body, as most people do.

It is not clear whether Trump is one of the 1% of the planet's population, a group of leaders, characterized by the so-called "genes Thatcher", the late British prime minister, who sleeps between three and four hours a day. And if not, then Trump is severely deprived of sleep, according to health experts who generally recommend a period of sleep of seven to eight hours.

Angela Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she stores sleep to provide her free time, just as camels store water. Perhaps the effect of the lack of sleep in Merkel, as she was subjected to health problems during the three official events, which made the Germans talk about her health. Headlines asked if she was healthy enough to remain in her position.

How shivering attacks began

Russian President Vladimir Putin wakes up late and drinks his breakfast during the day. He says he always tries to sleep for four to five hours, but he says this is not enough for him because of his tight schedule. During one of the television programs in which he spoke with members of his people, a young child asked him about the number of hours he spent sleeping, he replied, saying that he does not depend on the number of hours, but if "the president can get enough sleep, it is in the interest of his health." .

Barack Obama

During his presidency, Barack Obama was spending six hours sleeping at night or less. Aides in the White House must constantly make decisions about the type of important crisis that compels them to wake the president from his few hours of sleep. He once said on a talk show: "I stay up until two o'clock at night, read the briefs and do the work." A report revealed that his office often receives emails at one in the morning. According to Politico, White House staff and letter writers got used to his calls at 11 pm. In general, Obama sleeps five hours a day.

Narendra Modi

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is said to work 20 hours a day. He says: “I get a little sleep, and my friends often advise me to increase my sleep hours, thinking that I should sleep at least five to six hours.” "But I became addicted to work, and this became my habit for several years, to the point that I forget to sleep at times," he says, but he says that he sleeps deeply for a little more than three hours, and that he takes to sleep within 30 seconds of going to bed.

North Korean President

Late last year, cameras took pictures of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, as he struggled to stay awake during a ceremony to commemorate the 25th anniversary of his grandfather's death, Kim Il Sung. A large crowd saw the dictator slowly closing his eyes, sitting in the middle of the stage. At some point, he took a deep breath and his head began slipping over his shoulder while listening to the speech. Little is known about Kim Jong Eun's sleeping habits, but some reports say he sleeps very little because of his fear of a coup against him at any time.

French President

French President Emmanuel Macron sleeps a little, works until late at night, and travels relentlessly. Like Margaret Thatcher, the 42-year-old sleeps for three or four hours at night, but sources close to him claim that signs of fatigue are appearing on his face, possibly due to lack of sleep.

Can the president sleep alone?

Unless there is an urgent need for strict security measures, the Secret Service remains outside the unlocked doors, ready to respond to any request from the President, and in case they hear any noise, they deal immediately with this emergency. Like any other ordinary family, the President and his family have some privacy.

Moody sleeps a little more than three hours, and sleeps within 30 seconds of going to bed.

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