Teller Report

Rudkovskaya’s accusations, Shcherbakova’s “departure” from Tutberidze and Navka hospitalization: what is being discussed in the world of figure skating

5/13/2020, 2:54:25 PM

Skater Anna Shcherbakova had to refute the information that she was leaving the group of Eteri Tutberidze. Such a message was published by hackers on her page on social networks. Evgeni Plushenko expressed a desire to make Alexandra Trusova a “universal soldier”, and his wife Yana Rudkovskaya was accused of plagiarism. Meanwhile, Tatyana Navka was hospitalized with a diagnosis of coronavirus, and media reported that Ilya Averbukh allegedly violated the regime of self-isolation. About the latest events in the world of figure skating - in the material RT.

Hacking Shcherbakova’s page and Plushenko’s plans

Before the passions around Alexandra Trusova’s transition to the Academy of Evgeni Plushenko had time to calm down, another “news” shocked fans of figure skating. A message appeared on Anna Shcherbakova’s page on the VKontakte social network that she was leaving the group of Eteri Tutberidze. The vice-champion of Europe allegedly motivated this decision with a desire to develop and move on.

Then the post, and with it the page, was deleted, which caused even more questions. Soon, the situation was clarified by Shcherbakova herself. It turned out that there was no talk of any transition, just her account was hacked.

“Of course, this is not true. Now the page has been deleted. I will not create a new one. All the information can be found in my group, ”reassured the fans of Shcherbakov.

In the meantime, Trusova’s transition to the Plushenko’s Academy will soon be officially registered. According to the mentor, now he is engaged in the transfer of the necessary documents to the federation and to Sambo-70, and all formalities will be settled by May 15.

Plushenko also assured that in the near future the figure skater herself will also voice her position regarding the change of mentor. As for their joint plans, the specialist promised that in the next season a new Trusov would come to the ice. Especially for this, he gathers a group of highly qualified specialists.

“To date, there is no“ universal soldier ”in the world of women's single skating, which would be 100% developed both in the technical component and in charisma and skating. There are no such generalists. Each is somewhat weaker than the other. If we take Yuzuru Chania, here he is developed in all respects and strong in all positions. Of course, I would like to make Sasha Trusov a “universal soldier,” RIA Novosti quotes Plushenko as saying.

The appeal of Slutskaya and the poem of Trusova

Nevertheless, there is no need to talk about full-fledged training yet, since in many cities of Russia the self-isolation mode is extended until the end of May. Skaters continue to practice at home under the remote guidance of their mentors.

However, the voices of those who advocate easing the rules for athletes are getting louder. So, two-time world champion Irina Slutskaya joined the honored trainer of the USSR Tatyana Tarasova, who offered to allow small groups to go out on the ice.

“If you can do other sports even at home, for example, gymnastics, or, relatively speaking, a cyclist can twist the simulator, then the skater’s sense of skate, sense of ice are lost, endurance of the vestibular apparatus is reduced ... Still, no adaptations can replace workouts on ice, ”Slutskaya was quoted as saying by Nation News.

Until this happens, athletes continue to while away time in four walls. World Champion 2015 Elizaveta Tuktamysheva took part in a photo shoot that took place through a video call. She talked about what she was doing at home, and also admitted that the first thing after lifting the restrictive measures would go to the rink.

“Now I read Guy de Maupassant's Life, usually 50 pages a day. In addition to reading, training and preparation for exams and a diploma take a lot of time. And the best assistant in any business at home is Pomeranian Spitz Kokosha, ”Tuktamysheva shared in an interview with Sport Express.

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Posted by Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (@liza_tuktik) May 11, 2020 at 1:28 PDT

On May 9, many skaters congratulated fans on Victory Day, and also told the stories of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. So, Alina Zagitova published a photo of her great-grandfather, Adeline Sotnikova talked about her great-grandfather, Hero of the Soviet Union, and Trusova read Musa Jalil’s poem “Barbarism”.

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Posted by Sasha Trusova (@avtrusova) May 9, 2020 at 1:44 PDT

79-year-old trainer Alexei Mishin said that he remembers the military events from the stories of his parents and relatives, but he understands the people of that generation well. He expressed hope that current athletes will take an example from them.

“I want the image of those people who forged victory in the war to be an ideal and guiding star for skaters. Such an understanding will help athletes achieve victory, feel the aura of victory in a high understanding of the word, ”Mishin said.

Meanwhile, active users of social networks Alexei Yagudin again pleased his subscribers with funny videos. This time he published a series of posts in which his dog “talks” about life. A beagle named Asti started the day by frolic in a stream, then ate, “overcame” a plush doll, fried meat on the grill and went to bed.

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Posted by Alexei Yagudin (@ alexei.yagudin) May 11, 2020 at 10:56 PDT

Averbukh Penalty and Navka's Disease

Unfortunately, in the world of figure skating, there were some scandals. Many fans liked the funny videos of Plushenko, his wife Yana Rudkovskaya and their son Alexander. They take part in challenges, shoot parodies of episodes from films and just make short sketches.

However, a blogger under the nickname Katie One accused the producer of plagiarism. According to her, the star couple borrowed her ideas, without indicating authorship. As a confirmation, the girl published a video where she played the role of a doll, and then she danced with her husband. The same post appeared a few weeks later on Plushenko’s wife page.

Rudkovskaya’s response was not long in coming. She explained that she does not pretend to be original in her videos and does not consider it necessary to argue because of authorship.

“It seems to me that under quarantine everyone has a feeling of hatred towards each other! I decided not to respond to provocations anymore, but to go my own way clearly. Katie has great videos, I’ve studied her page now. Many of them are also taken from Tik-Tok and YouTube, which is absolutely normal, ”she said, adding that she was ready to record a joint video with the blogger.

The well-known choreographer Ilya Averbukh also got into an unpleasant situation. The media reported that on April 22, he allegedly violated the regime of self-isolation. Averbukh himself denied this information, for clarity, attaching a photograph of his pass.

“Yesterday, quite by accident, I came across a news feed about the information that I was a malicious violator of the self-isolation regime. For those who believe our journalists, please, my pass is valid from April 15 to 30. There are no violations and cannot be. I rarely leave my house, take care of my family and loved ones. Their health is above all, ”the choreographer wrote.

And coach Alexander Zhulin unexpectedly criticized Olga Buzova. Talking about his eldest daughter Alexander, he said that she is also seriously interested in music, but her work is much better than the famous singer and TV presenter.

“Previously, Sasha wrote songs, and now collaborates with Maxim Fadeev. Eugene Kuritsyn helps her record videos. The daughter acts under the pseudonym Alexy. I think she has a talent. In any case, she sings exactly better than Buzova. Why Olga burst onto the scene, I do not quite understand. It doesn’t smell like professionalism, ”the Express Newspaper quotes Zhulin.

Meanwhile, Olympic champion Tatyana Navka was hospitalized with coronavirus. At first it became known that her husband, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov, became ill, and then the diagnosis was confirmed by the former figure skater herself.

“Since the virus was detected almost at the first symptoms, we managed to take measures in time so as not to put our relatives at additional risk. I’m getting better, there’s no temperature anymore, coughing too. They didn’t even have to take antibiotics, ”RIA Novosti quoted Navka as saying.