Teller Report

Only 3,000 yellow-billed egrets fly to Zhanjiang Island in Guangdong

5/13/2020, 2:30:12 PM

  According to news from the Guangdong Provincial Forestry Bureau on May 13, an island in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, has recently recorded the national second-level protected animal, the yellow-billed egret. This is the first time Zhanjiang has recorded this rare waterbird. According to reports, the yellow-billed egret is the "white heron bird" with the highest protection level. It is a vulnerable species. There are currently about 3,000 in the world, of which there are about 1,000 in China. They are mainly distributed in the southeastern coastal areas and are not usually seen.

  Yellow-billed egrets live in coastal islands, coasts, bays, estuaries, and rivers near the coast. They mainly eat various small fishes and eat animal food such as shrimp and crabs.

  During the breeding period from May to July each year, the male and female yellow-billed egrets that adore and trust each other will choose a temporary "inhabitant" island on the coast, and nest in grass, shrubs or trees, lay eggs, and feed chicks. (Reporter Cheng Jingwei, editor Chi Hanyu, Guangdong Provincial Forestry Bureau provided video material)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]