Teller Report

On July 14, a tribute will be paid to caregivers

5/13/2020, 1:27:35 PM

Medal of commitment to epidemics will also be "reactivated" to reward those who fought against the epidemic

A woman pays tribute to caregivers with a French flag, May 10, 2020. - NICOLAS MESSYASZ / SIPA

A tribute to caregivers will be paid during the national holiday on July 14, the government spokesperson announced on Wednesday. Sibeth Ndiaye said that this celebration would be "an additional occasion to express the tribute and recognition of the nation to all those who are committed to the fight against Covid-19".

"The President of the Republic wanted recognition that is also symbolic, of the entire nation, towards those who have mobilized in this epidemic and continue to do so," explained Sibeth Ndiaye after the Council of Ministers.

The Legion of Honor to reward the fight against the virus

The spokesperson also indicated that a single promotion of the National Order of Merit and the Legion of Honor will be published on January 1, 2021, and not as usual on May 15 and July 14, and that it will include "a significant proportion of people who have contributed to the fight against the virus at all levels and in all areas of activity".

The recipients will have worked "in the care of the sick, screening, research, support for our health system, the manufacture of health and protection products, the protection of the most fragile, the pursuit of a professional and voluntary activity to keep the essential services running, ”she said. "The (decoration) proposals relating to active and reserve military personnel will also be postponed and published together in October," said Sibeth Ndiaye.

A medal created for cholera

The government spokesperson also announced that a "commitment to epidemics medal" would be "reactivated" in order to "reward those who devoted themselves during the Covid-19 crisis". This proposal was brought by an LR deputy, Philippe Gosselin, who had tabled a bill to this effect at the end of March.

The three-color ribbon was created following the cholera epidemic of 1884 and aimed to "reward those who are particularly devoted during periods of epidemic disease," recalled Sibeth Ndiaye. This award disappeared in the early 1960s. "It can be awarded individually or collectively and will soon be subject to a decree which will update it," said the spokesperson.


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  • Video
  • Society
  • Legion of Honor
  • Covid 19
  • July 14th
  • Coronavirus