Teller Report

Johan Olsson confirms - does not continue within the national team

5/13/2020, 2:21:07 PM

Johan Olsson, who during the season had a technical responsibility as coach of the men's team, told Aftonbladet in early May that no one from the ski association contacted him and that the future was unclear. Now he confirms for SVT Sport that there will be no continuation. - So it is, I can confirm that, I will have nothing to do with the Swedish national team.

Tomorrow, the Swedish National Ski Team will present the organization for cross country skiing for the coming season, coaches and teams. For Johan Olsson there will be no continuation. 

- If no one has talked to anyone at all, in May, then you understand that you are not part of the plans for the future. So it is, I can confirm that, I will have nothing to do with the Swedish national team, he tells SVT Sport.

"It's a bit remarkable"

What do you think nobody has talked to you about? 

- I have had more as a consultant and have had very few days in my agreement. I understand that there is a bit between the chairs in the way that the services are formatted, the responsibility has been shared and taken over by others.

- But at the same time I think it is a bit remarkable that you do not record an evaluation with someone who has worked quite close to the A-national team.

However, Anders Byström national team manager does not share Olsson's experience that they did not hear from them.

- We have talked this week here lately, we have had some contact via phone and sms. We talked a little about how he had the last year. Both me and Daniel (national team manager Fåhraeus) came in late in this process so it is possible that someone would have talked to him earlier.

Build in the long term

Johan Olsson believes that the most important thing now for the Swedish cross country team is that there is continuity in the structure being built around the team. He also talks about the importance of time.

- Rikard Grip had a long time with the team, and that is a success factor. You have to build in the long term.

Much has been written about dissatisfaction and groupings within the cross country team, how have you experienced it? 

- I've met the riders more individually and that's why it's hard to say. The important thing is to try to create peace and security for the individuals in the team. This is what is really needed to put together these possible groupings. It is unfortunate when they have a fairly short time, to put the organization almost immediately when taking office. This is not an optimal situation. 

- It was incredibly difficult to take over for someone like Rikard Grip. You may have to make sure that neither the organization nor the media should seek a new Rikard Grip, here you have to start from scratch and see that it is a new person who comes in with new inputs and develops the organization in their own way.

"Most importantly, there is demand"

How do you feel that you should not work with the Swedish national team?

- The most important thing is to feel that there is a demand. If you are not part of that demand, I probably feel that the most important thing is that I have done my little part in giving back to the sport. I can feel happy that I got that chance and now I get to invest more in mental training and health with exercise.

ARCHIVE: Johan Olsson's Magic Gold on the Five Mile 2013

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Johan Olsson's magic gold on the five-mile 2013