Teller Report

Eid Al-Fitr formations ... Luxurious evening materials and simple stories

5/13/2020, 10:18:41 PM

The world of fashion and beauty has the ability to change rapidly, which is driven by the threads of this global industry on the one hand, and the cries that spread like a fever on social media platforms, and the power of youth influence to change all of this according to what he deems appropriate on the other hand, and from all this interesting chaos, taq

The world of fashion and beauty has the ability to change rapidly, which is driven by the threads of this global industry on the one hand, and the cries that spread like a fever on social media platforms, and the strength of the influence of young people in changing all of this according to what he deems appropriate on the other hand, and from all this interesting chaos, this presents The page is a quick and selective look at what can be appropriate for Gulf women in particular, and Arab in general.

The ideas and reasons for inspiration that drive the designer to come out with a variety or another, as well as the groups that the designers offer for one occasion, are varied, which the woman needs to reach the ideal and appropriate piece for her, whether in color, story, idea, or types of materials, and often all of the above .

"Lafayette Gallery" presented during the month of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr, different groups of a number of distinctive names, which have recently been able to take confident and steady steps in the world of fashion design, providing original, original, and non-repeated ideas characterized by innovation and different from what can be imagined for these important occasions And, during this season, selected brands presented lines that tended to lightness and simplicity of the idea, focusing on the quality of materials and their differences, adopting special prints, playful colors, and other safe products that satisfy everyone's tastes.

The luxury of raw materials

The materials adopted in the holiday designs tended to be luxurious, and the formations generally relied on high-end and luxurious materials, which often centered around capsule groups, in a smart balance between high-end evening fabrics, which are often used in evening dresses, and between simple and clear cuts, which seem Evident in the designs presented by trademarks, such as "The Secrets Berry" of the Lebanese designer, Nada Fayyad, the introduction of designs that combined the spirit of the caftan and the silk cloak decorated with golden thread, and the lightness and soft prints, on daily easy-to-move pieces.

Funny stories

The brand "Boca and Boca" also tended to high-end heavy materials, such as "jacquard" and "broker", which the house often prefers to adopt, along with cheerful childish stories, with skirts and bulging bulging sleeves, and the preparations of this brand and its inclined ideas Between the evening luxury and the lightness of the spirit, it is one of the characteristics that the house is known for, but at the same time, it is suitable only for girls and ladies who are not full.

Evening materials

The "Velveti" brand preferred to adopt the evening materials, but away from that shine, rather the fabrics tended to the Indian silk, the fiery summer gentle colors, and a few pastel touches of taurs and soft chiffon, between dresses with romantic styles, and other developed "Kimono" stories, With touches of small stones, they decorate simple parts of the sleeves or the trunk, away from exaggeration, and with a lot of lightness, as is the case in the “Halim Alabaster” collection, which was able to present one of its most distinguished groups, based on the idea of ​​silk gowns, luxurious caftans, and luxurious natural silks.

Lightness and flow

Simplicity is also evident in the last group of the brand «Manquin» of the Egyptian designer, Dina Abbas, the introduction of a group of flowing chiffon dresses, which were distinguished by their modesty and conservative lines, whether in wavy, widening and dropping length, or long sleeves, or the distance from revealing any parts of The body, while the dresses tended to the simple and soft decoration in the trunk and the adoption of quiet colors dark and light, away from the bustle, which is the same idea presented by the brand «Euphoria», with ideas that seemed a mixture between dresses and caftans, and a clear tendency for simple, soft designs, and Drop silks.

Lightness and smooth flow, is one of the most important distinguishing features of chiffon fabrics and dates, which are the materials on which a number of fashion houses relied, such as "Baroni", whose designs tended to the idea of ​​numerous waves, whether in the sleeves, skirts, or chest, which made it look Fun and dancing, with the adoption of calm pastel colors, and materials with simple glossy particles, which is the same idea presented by the brand "Viabescu", which relied on the idea of ​​ruffled tails, by adopting quiet and loud colors at the same time, and by handicrafts adorning the chest and tails.

• Various groups of a number of distinguished names, which were able to take confident steps in the world of fashion design.

• Selected brands presented streaks that tended to be light and simple.

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