Teller Report

Containment: "In two months, I did not do anything", confesses Elie Semoun

5/13/2020, 8:21:07 PM

Guest of & quot; The Wild One & quot; with Matthieu Noël, Wednesday afternoon, the humorist Elie Semoun confides on Europe 1 is disappointed not to have taken advantage of the confinement to create more.

Guest of "L'Équipée sauvage" with Matthieu Noël, Wednesday afternoon, the humorist Elie Semoun confides on Europe 1 is disappointed not to have taken advantage of confinement to create more.

His observation should no doubt be shared by many French people who counted on confinement to read several books, write their thoughts or redo the filmography of an illustrious director. But like many of us, Elie Semoun started deconfinement with a little taste of disappointment in the mouth. "During these two months, I am ashamed to say it, but I did not do anything," he said on Europe 1, Wednesday afternoon.

"I feel guilty"

"I would have liked to read, I would have liked to write the continuation of Ducobu (the third shutter of the saga is available in VOD, note )… I feel guilty when I do not do anything", admits the humorist at the microphone of Matthieu Christmas in L'Équipée sauvage . "I had Dany Boon on the phone, who told me that he had written a film, and I know that Franck Gastambide wrote season 2 of Validé (on Canal +, editor's note ). But what luck! Me, I couldn't do anything. "

>> Find all of Matthieu Noël's programs in replay and podcast here

"Nothing could have been done", or almost: Elie Semoun published two sketches with Franck Dubosc during the confinement, which recalls the era of classified ads in the early 2000s. Except that this time, the result was published on Instagram .

See this post on Instagram

Jean acorn and Didier verge rejoice in the deconfinement @fdubosc_officiel

A publication shared by Élie Semoun (@eliesemounofficiel) on May 7, 2020 at 8:56 am PDT

An exercise born almost spontaneously, to hear it: "We called each other every day and we said 'redo the sketches'. We had a good time, that made hundreds of thousands of views", congratulates himself the humorist, happy to find his sidekick. "With Franck, we never improvised, except on the names of the characters. He has diabolical precision as an actor and author."