Teller Report

Civil Aviation Administration: Online application for licenses for civil aircraft pilot licenses during outbreaks

5/13/2020, 6:03:30 AM

  China News Service, May 13th, 13th, Yan Mingchi, Director of the Department of Policies and Regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration, said that during the epidemic, five licenses including the "Civil Aircraft Pilot License" will be processed online.

  On the 13th, the Civil Aviation Administration of China held a press conference. The spokesman of the Civil Aviation Administration and the principals of relevant bureaus introduced the safety production and operation of civil aviation in April.

  At the meeting, Yan Mingchi, director of the Department of Policies and Regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration, said in response to a reporter ’s question that during the epidemic, five licenses, including the “Civil Aircraft Pilot ’s License”, were processed online, and the “Examination and Approval of the Establishment of a Foreign Aviation Permanent Establishment in China” was Two licenses are used to receive application materials by post or fax, and six licenses such as "Civil Airport Use License Issuance" are handled off-site by remote review or verification, and three license items such as "General Aviation Enterprise Operation License" are implemented Inform the commitment system. Qualified enterprises will directly approve after making a written commitment, and directly extend the validity period of the "Flight Training Center Qualification Certification" and other licenses that expire during the epidemic prevention and control period. After the epidemic is over, they will continue to renew or renew the business.