Teller Report

A group of Chinese professional players who were "hijacked" by the wage club

5/13/2020, 2:06:23 AM

  The singer Lao Fan next door sang in the single "The Lost Music". The years hurried, we went through the torment of time. This lyrics appeared in the circle of friends of the protagonist of today's story in the afternoon of April 28th.

  He did not want to make his real name public, so let's call him Xiaofan for now. Even, he seems a bit obscure about his current identity. He just wants to let the reader know that he has played for Baoding Rong for several seasons and has accompanied the team ups and downs. Now, he has a firm idea, after a long time with him, he should probably say goodbye here.

  There is no banquet in the world, but Xiaofan's departure is quite passive, and can even be said to be forced by life. Because he said that Baoding Yingli Yitong has not paid him a long time.

  Yingli Yitong is also Rongda.

Screenshot of the official micro business card of Baoding Rongda Football Club

  Baoding Yingli Yitong Football Club was originally an amateur club. In 2014, the team became the winning team of the Chinese Football Amateur League Finals. It was qualified to participate in the 2015 China League B and became a grassroots football miracle. Subsequently, the local private enterprise Rongda Group invested to take over the club, completed the registration, transfer and other work, and successfully entered the 2015 season China League.

  On January 2, 2019, the club issued a statement saying that Rongda Group had stopped sponsoring the club and was no longer responsible for the club ’s affairs, so they had no choice but to change the name back to Yingli Yitong.

Data map: In the 2017 season, Baoding Rongda (blue) won the first home victory in the home side of Hangzhou Greentown (white). Photo by Yu Junliang

  "In the 2019 season, we received a basic salary of 3 months, plus a living cost of 5,000 yuan, and a winning prize for a game. This is from the beginning of 2019 to the present, nearly a year and a half, we all Income. "The complaints of Xiao Fan and his teammates are also mixed with a little helplessness.

  The past year has been extremely difficult for Yingli Yitong. Because the mediation statement of the Chinese Football Association Arbitration Committee was not implemented, the team was deducted 6 league points in the postseason, and the fourth place from the penultimate position of the North District fell another one, and once fell into the relegation playoff area. The sudden blow didn't defeat Xiao Fan and his teammates, "The team eventually relegated, and all of us are sticking with our teeth."

On September 20, 2019, the Chinese Football Association announced on its official website the decision to punish Baoding Rong Club. webpage Screenshot

  27-year-old Xiao Fan originally planned to marry his long-lost girlfriend this year. But he said that the team's arrears of wages and the untimely appearance of the new crown pneumonia epidemic caused him and his girlfriend to have to postpone their marriage contract, and the two families also fell into anxiety. "Originally, life could be better, now all plans have been broken." Xiao Fan said.

  In Xiao Fan's eyes, the attitude of the Dong family is even unreasonable-just a simple sentence: "No money, first agree to sign and then reissue." The club asked Xiao Fan to sign the content, not only need to be turned over to China The Football Association ’s last season ’s salary confirmation form, as well as a statement document – ​​all first-team players must sign a statement thanking the team owner Meng Yongqiang.

  "I really find it inexplicable. Without giving us a normal salary, let us sign some inexplicable thank-you letter." Xiao Fan revealed that the club has similarly "admonished" the players and has said it many times, with different rhetoric, But the ending is the same, and no one can perform it normally.

Almost at the same time as the reporter's interview with Xiao Fan, Meng Yongqiang, the owner of Rongda Club, once again spoke through Weibo, which mentioned the issue of wage arrears. Weibo screenshot

  "Now the club's leadership will not reply to any news at all, the phone will not answer, WeChat will not return." Xiao Fan's anger was hidden between the words. "In addition to paying off my mortgage every month, I still have daily expenses and credit cards. I also face the danger of being overdue every month in addition to home supplements."

  Recently, the reporter contacted the team owner Meng Yongqiang through Weibo. In the interview, he also said frankly: "Only three months of salary and part of the bonus were paid." And, more than 9 million in arrears of payment, "the club currently has no ability and assets to solve."

Meng Yongqiang's personal Weibo screenshot, which mentions his judgment on the arrears of salary.

  In the endless night sky, Xiao Fan left his figure fighting on the green field, but the song "Disappointment" for himself is like the portrayal of his football career. The love and career have caused trouble for Xiao Fan's life-severely shrinking income has gradually pushed him into an unprecedented dilemma.

  According to reporters, there are still many teammates in the Yingli Yitong array who have encountered similar situations with Xiao Fan. One and a half years have passed. "Some people have incomes of less than 30,000." Under pressure, some people have already Start jumping out of football to find a way to make a living. What's more, they have already started thinking about express delivery and takeaway. But these players, from small to large, are receiving football-related training, playing football, it should be their "dining" skills.

  When asked whether there are any players in the team who are struggling with life, Meng Yongqiang also has his own opinion: "Some young players, especially those who joined in 2019, have low wage standards and problems with wage arrears, which should be more difficult. . As for other players, some may owe more than one million, but they have also earned a lot of money from the club.

Data map: In the 2017 season, fans at the home of Rongda in the northeast corner of Baoding City were very enthusiastic. Photo by Yu Junliang

  "We only play football since we were young, so we have to choose to continue to play. We will try to find other clubs to try to stay, but now we have to bear the responsibility of which team to go to for the training. Question. "Xiao Fan said.

  "There is no charge for this club, but the club you go to will let you pay. Life has been very difficult, and there is really no money to go out for trial training." According to him, it is limited by the unknown nature of the trial training and the High costs, "there are very few players out of the team."

  "I'm fine now, because I have been playing in the league before, and some coaches know me better. After knowing this, they extended an olive branch to me." Xiao Fan is currently in the south, participating in another China B club. In his daily training, when the new season arrives, it is likely to change the court and say goodbye to Rong Da ’s career in the past few years. But how to solve the large amount of wages owed will continue to trouble Xiao Fan for a long time in the future, and under the pressure of Yingli Yitong, he said that he is inconvenient to disclose more information about the new owner.

At present, the training venue of Xiaofan Training Club.

  From some angles, Xiao Fan is "lucky" because not everyone can follow this path. "Other people don't have such a good opportunity because there are too many teams to disband and dozens of people compete for the transfer quota."

  Talking about his teammates, Xiao Fan was worried, and the team in the domestic professional league had only 5 recruits per year. "We have all played for the same team for many years, and growing up with the team is definitely reluctant. But now, we have to face various pressures in life." Xiao Fan said.

  According to league management regulations, each club must submit a confirmation form for the full payment of wages and bonuses for coaches, athletes, and staff in the 2019 season in January this year. For many small clubs, this level is equivalent to a test of life and death. After the deadline, as many as 9 teams have been disqualified for the next season's League One and League Two. Even though Baoding Yingli Yitong passed the risk, it was questioned by many fans because the signatures on the form were the same.

2019 Baoding Yingli Yitong Football Club Coaches, Athletes, Staff Salary Bonus Confirmation Form. Screenshot of the Chinese Football Association's public document

  "At the end of the year, we had two young players who were notified that they could leave the team because they didn't sign." Xiao Fan didn't directly express his position on this, only mentioning the encounter of the two younger juniors.

  Three months have passed, the outbreak of the epidemic has blocked the start of the season, and many questions are still unresolved. For example, can the Yingli Yitong team continue to play in the second league? In response, Xiao Fan's answer was: "Whether the team has disbanded or not, the Football Association has not announced it clearly."

A few days ago, the club sued the Chinese Football Association was rejected by the court, because the address was wrong ...

  Meng Yongqiang ’s answer is also unclear: “The prospects of the club are still being explored.” For the team ’s current work, he made three points: “One is to ensure the normal training and competition of the echelon; the second is to sue the Chinese Football Association for improper management The losses caused by the club; the third is to seek help from all walks of life, borrow or borrow sponsorship, raise funds, and solve the problem of wage arrears of players who meet the requirements of the club. "

  As for how to define "a player who meets the requirements of the club", Meng Yongqiang made a definition: not to appeal to the Football Association for arbitration, and not to ask the members of the media for help. "For these players, if the club cannot raise funds, I personally will find a solution." Meng Yongqiang added.

Data map: In the third round of the 2019 Football Association Cup, Baoding Rongda lost 0: 1 to Liaoning Hongyun. After the game, the Rong Daquan team thanked the only Baoding fan on the spot. Image source: Osports All Sports Pictures

  Capital flows into the era of the Chinese football circle, but professional players in the lower and middle leagues are worried about their livelihood. In the eyes of many outsiders, it is somewhat unbelievable. But what is certain is that on this unspeakable fertile soil, Xiao Fan is by no means the first victim, nor will he be the last one. Many of them are suffering from wage arrears.

  A few days ago, the domestic media published an anonymous confession letter from Yingli Yitong players. There is a description in it that makes people feel particularly sullen: after so many years of wages, we really tried everything, but the final result was It's because we can't live any longer. When the fans watch the scenery of the high-paid players who play in the Super League, they probably don't know that in the China League 2 there is a group of miserable professional players who are struggling to play. I can't even support my family.

  Going back to the "Music Loss" mentioned in the opening chapter, there is actually a sentence in the lyrics: Don't you say, I lost my happiness. For Xiao Fan, this career may not bring him more fun for the time being.

  As the saying goes, debt repayment is justified. Withdrawing the money that should belong to me, I am afraid that there is still an uneven road waiting for Xiao Fan to take it. And the experiences of many "Xiao Fans" should not be abandoned in corners where no one cares. They reminded us that there are still shadows under the light at the top of the Chinese football pyramid, and those who survive in the cracks are waiting for the light to come. (Author Wang Sishuo)

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