Teller Report

A fitness coach sets the biological age for Cristiano Ronaldo's retirement

5/13/2020, 9:51:06 AM

Former Brazilian fitness coach Cristiano Ronaldo, Joao Arosso, said that Juventus’s Italian star can play until the age of 40 if he is not injured.

Former Portuguese fitness coach Cristiano Ronaldo, Joao Aroso, has said that Juventus's Italian superstar can play until the age of 40 if he is not injured.

"A machine like him (Ronaldo 35 years old) is able to do anything because he knows his body well and listens to him, and he can turn it on and off at any time," Arosso said in comments he made to the Italian newspaper, "Gazzetta dello Sport".
He explained: "Now that Juventus players return to training, he will start trying to move on the field repeatedly."
"Without injury, he can play until the age of 40," added Cristiano Ronaldo, former fitness trainer.
He continued: "Cristiano Ronaldo's goal is to appear in Juventus matches within weeks, and he is in the same condition he was two months ago."

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