Teller Report

[News] The Trump Death Clock in Manhattan… Meaning of numbers

5/13/2020, 12:39:06 PM

[Hyunjun Go's News] The current reviewer Go Hyun-jun's news starts. What is your first news today? <Hyunjun Go / Critic Critic> It is the center of Manhattan in New York, USA. An advertisement appeared in Times Square criticizing President Trump and the US government for Corona 19 procrastination.

[Hyunjun Go's News Bulletin]


Current critic Gohyun Joon's news bulletin time begins. What is your first news today (13th)?

<Hyunjun Go / Critic Critic> It is the

center of Manhattan in New York, USA. An advertisement appeared in Times Square criticizing President Trump and the US government for Corona 19 procrastination.

From the 8th of the local time, an advertisement for a billboard called 'The Clock of Trump Death' has been sent to a building in Times Square, Manhattan.

The numbers in red indicate the number of deaths the US government could have saved if it had taken a little earlier to respond to coronavirus.
As of the last 12 days, there were about 48,000 people on the scoreboard, which is equivalent to 60% of the total corona19 deaths in the United States.

The person who installed this advertisement is an American film director named Eugene Jarekki, a famous director who twice won the documentary jury award at the Sundance Film Festival, one of the top three film festivals in North America.

Zarrekki said the billboard could have saved 60% of the deaths in the United States, even if the US government issued a social distance order and closing order only on March 9, a week earlier than on March 16. He said it would be an act of honoring people and demanding greater responsibility from the government.

<Anchor> In

fact, it is still too hasty to resume economic activities. Please tell me the next news.

<Hyunjun Go / Critic Review> The

next news was that overseas luxury brands predicted a price increase, and some department stores had a long shot with customers buying products in advance.

The luxury brand Chanel is known to raise the price of some items up to 17% starting tomorrow.

Therefore, in front of the main department store where the Chanel store is located, people who buy products before the price increase are also crowded even before opening.

The calculation is based on the fact that you can buy a 7 to 8 million won bag for 1 million won cheaply. From the dawn, dozens of people line up in front of the department store, and as soon as the department store opens, there is an open run phenomenon.
In some places, there are over 200 people waiting to enter in front of the store. At a department store in Gangnam last weekend, people who tried to wait for admission were said to have installed a safety line.

According to an analysis, the so-called compensation consumption effect, in which consumption was suppressed by Corona 19, was great, was analyzed that many overseas luxury brands, including Chanel, also aimed at compensation consumption when they started to raise prices when the situation in Corona 19 was somewhat eased this year. Is also coming out.


Sometimes this seems to happen, but I'm not sure. Please tell me the next news.

<Go Hyun-jun / Critic critic>

I will tell you the next news. Several times, someone damaged the Hibiscus tree planted in front of the monument to poet Yun Dong-ju in Japan.
The Asahi Shimbun reported that the Hibiscus tree in front of the monument to the poet Yun Dong-ju in Uji City, Kyoto, Japan has been confirmed to have been bent several times since the end of last year.

Poet Yoon Dong-ju was arrested by the Japanese police for his involvement in the independence movement when he was studying in Kyoto and died on February 16, 1945, serving in Fukuoka prison.

In October 2017, Japanese citizens erected a monument to Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture to honor poet Yun Dong-ju, and then a Korean private organization celebrated the second anniversary of the monument in October of last year, praying for friendship between Korea and Japan and poet Yun Dong-ju, putting a green tree in front of the monument. Planted.

However, Asahi said that the Hibiscus tree, which was more than 1 meter long, had been cut down several times by someone from the end of last year.

The Japanese citizens who set up the monument are appealing to stop harming the tree's life in front of a monument that cherishes life.

In addition, it is said that we are also considering installing signboards that have notices in front of trees.  

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