Teller Report

Where is the first confirmed person? Who's not overlapping ...? Labyrinth of infection

5/12/2020, 12:42:23 PM

Let's talk a little bit more about this with a medical journalist Cho Dong-chan. Q. What is the path of infection 'labyrinth' ...? [Cho Dong-chan / Medical journalist: The number of infected Itaewon groups identified so far is 107, which was revealed following the first confirmed patient.


Let's talk a little bit more about this with a medical journalist Cho Dong-chan.

Q. Infection route 'labyrinth'… What does it mean?

[Cho Dong-chan / Medical journalist (specialist): The number of infected people in Itaewon, which have been confirmed so far, is 107. It is still unknown where the first confirmed patient was infected. In the meantime, the patients with the first confirmed patient don't overlap the line, so patients who have no idea where the infection occurred are identified. In this case, one or several people who were hiding in the community were revealed through the Itaewon group infection.]

Q. How many patients?

[Cho Dong-chan / Medical journalist (specialist): The average incubation period of Corona 19 is 5 days, and based on the infection of 3 patients on average when no action is taken, it is calculated to be 6,500 after 40 days. There are variables, but thorough quarantine and social distance greatly reduces this number. On the other hand, if the number of patients with initial radio waves is not 1, but the number of patients will increase significantly. In the end, it is important to find out who is hiding and keep social distance.]

Q. Asymptomatic… Measures?

[Cho Dong-chan / Medical journalist (specialist): I came up with a paper from the Journal of the American Internal Medicine, and said, 'Asymptomatic asymptomatic transmission of Corona 19'. It is because the amount of virus is high in the saliva drop of asymptomatic patients and the activity is strong, so it is highly infectious. Current quarantine methods targeting the deceased are unable to find the hidden infected, and the younger the higher the asymptomatic rate, the deeper the quarantine authorities are concerned. The research team emphasizes that it is necessary to conduct extensive diagnostic tests to find patients who are hiding, and to wear masks in places where people gather even if they alleviate social distance.] 

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