Teller Report

Ministry of Commerce: The number of rural netizens has exceeded 250 million online shopping and become the normal life of farmers

5/12/2020, 6:12:29 AM

  China News Service, May 12th, Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Bingnan said on the 12th that so far, the number of rural netizens has exceeded 250 million, online shopping has become the normal life of farmers, and more and more services and goods have entered through e-commerce Rural areas have changed the life and consumption habits of farmers.

  On the 12th, the State Council Office held a regular briefing on the State Council ’s policies to introduce the implementation of major policies and measures in 2019, and the supervision and incentives will be given to the places where the results are obvious.

  At the meeting, a reporter asked questions about the development of rural e-commerce. Wang Bingnan responded that the Party Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the development of e-commerce in rural areas and made important deployments many times. The Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance, the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office and other departments have carefully implemented . Since 2014, comprehensive demonstrations of e-commerce in rural areas have been launched for six consecutive years to promote the development of rural e-commerce in the country.

  "So far, we have supported a total of 1,180 demonstration counties, and have achieved full coverage of 832 national-level poor counties across the country, which has effectively promoted the development of rural e-commerce. It can be said that after many years of joint efforts by various departments in various regions, With the active participation of the majority of enterprises, China's rural e-commerce has developed rapidly and has achieved remarkable results. "Wang Bingnan said.

  Wang Bingnan pointed out that rural online retail sales increased from 180 billion yuan in 2014 to 1.7 trillion yuan in 2019, and the overall scale expanded by 8.4 times. Specifically, rural e-commerce has the following characteristics:

  The first is to increase farmers' income. E-commerce has shortened the distance between farmers and the market, allowing rural products to sell farther and better. In 2019, the nationwide online sales of agricultural products reached 397.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27%, driving more than 3 million poor farmers to increase their income.

  The second is to promote the transformation and upgrading of agriculture. Rural e-commerce drives farmers to pay more attention to product quality and brand, and the products produced are more in line with market demand.

  The third is to promote the entrepreneurship and employment of farmers. Rural e-commerce has attracted a large number of migrant workers, college students, and retired soldiers to return home and start businesses. By the end of last year, there were 13.84 million rural Internet providers nationwide.

  The fourth is to enrich the lives of farmers. So far, the number of rural netizens has exceeded 250 million, and online shopping has become the normal state of farmers' lives. More and more services and commodities have entered rural areas through e-commerce, changing the lives and consumption habits of farmers. During the outbreak, the role of rural e-commerce platforms was further highlighted. 88 demonstration counties in Sichuan Province organized e-commerce and express delivery enterprises to distribute more than 6 million orders of living materials to residents, ensuring the "vegetable basket" and "rice" bag".

  In addition, Wang Bingnan said that the current development effect of rural e-commerce is very significant, and of course there are some deficiencies. For example, difficulties such as poor industrial supply chain level, high logistics costs, and lack of talents. In response to these problems, the Ministry of Commerce will work with the Ministry of Finance and other relevant departments to strengthen the rural circulation infrastructure with "to promote e-commerce into the countryside" Construction, promote the development of township commerce and trade, smooth the flow of urban and rural bidirectional circulation, focusing on four aspects of work:

  One is to further broaden the channels for agricultural products to enter the city. Focus on rural characteristic industries, build county-level e-commerce industry clusters, improve e-commerce supporting services, cultivate regional public brands and network products, improve the level of industrial e-commerce, and promote the implementation of rural revitalization strategies.

  The second is to further optimize the network of industrial products going to the countryside. We will guide the deep integration of rural business enterprises and e-commerce, support circulation enterprises to develop third-party distribution services in rural areas, and build a modern rural circulation network that integrates online and offline.

  The third is to improve the county's rural three-tier logistics common distribution system. On the basis of the integration of rural e-commerce express delivery, consumer goods, agricultural resources are sent to the countryside and agricultural products are sent to the city for two-way distribution to reduce logistics costs.

  The fourth is to strengthen the cultivation of rural e-commerce main body. Strengthen the training of migrant workers, college students and returning soldiers who return home to build a contingent of rural e-commerce and enhance the endogenous power of rural e-commerce in China.

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