Teller Report

Juan Roig renounces part of his salary and dividend and allocates 70 million to alleviate the Covid crisis

5/12/2020, 1:03:18 PM

Mercadona's president, Juan Roig, has given up receiving part of his salary and dividends that correspond to him because he is the largest shareholder in the supermarket chain

Mercadona's president, Juan Roig, has given up receiving part of his salary and dividends that correspond to him because he is the largest shareholder in the supermarket chain in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, it will allocate 70 million euros to society to mitigate the economic impact of this crisis.

Specifically, Roig will allocate to the company his remuneration of 9.7 million euros in 2019 (4.6 million euros after deducting taxes) and the dividend corresponding to the 2018 income statement (65 million euros) , as reported by Europa Press.

In the presentation of the company's results, which took place a few days before the state of alarm was decreed, Roig already warned that he would increase his investment in patronage, from 50 to 76 million. "Companies have to generate profit to share" with society, said the businessman at the press conference after the presentation of the accounts.

In the accounts sent to the Mercantile Registry, Mercadona points out that Roig's remuneration "is in accordance with his leadership and personal experience and is in line with that which is satisfied in the market for comparable companies."

Last March Mercadona decided to give a premium to its workers to compensate them for the effort made during the first weeks of the Covid crisis. specifically, he compensated them with a bonus of 20% of the salary (44 million euros in total).

That same month, the company reduced its profits by 95% because the costs to face this crisis increased by 25%, with 100 million euros more than expected.

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