Teller Report

For or against returning to the store for shopping? tell us

5/12/2020, 2:42:47 PM

Since May 11, non-essential businesses have been able to reopen, to the delight of some customers

The lines started before the stores opened, like here in Bordeaux - Georges Gobet

Go shopping, an expression we almost forgot. Eight weeks after the start of containment, non-essential stores were able to reopen on Monday, May 11. Clothing, shoes, leisure, high-tech, sport, it is now possible to indulge in shopping sessions as in "the world before". Well almost, since the sanitary rules required because of the coronavirus epidemic change the atmosphere of the signs and calm the enthusiasm of certain customers.

However, as of Monday, images worthy of the first days of sales flourished on social networks. We could see long queues in front of stores like Zara or Fnac. Whether by necessity or by desire for consumption, customers were in a hurry without being put off by much by waiting, masks, freezing and other rules of physical distancing. But what about you?

Did you go shopping this Monday morning? Is your urge to spend after confinement stronger than the risk of contagion? You do not plan to do without shopping despite health restrictions? Or on the contrary, you do not plan to go to a store (other than food) until the crisis is over? Is your desire for shopping held back by risks or by constraints? tell us


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  • Shopping
  • Economy
  • Covid 19
  • Confinement
  • Coronavirus
  • Deconfinement
  • Consumption
  • Stores