Teller Report

Dubai Tourism: allowing some external activities and opening beaches to guests

5/12/2020, 7:24:06 PM

The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing said that, in line with the directives of the Control and Control Center to combat the "Corona Virus", the requirements of the facilities and services of the tourism sector have been updated, as of Tuesday, May 12, 2020. According to a circular issued by the department and "Emirates Today", p.

The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing said that, in line with the guidance of the Control and Control Center to combat the "Corona" virus, the requirements of tourism sector facilities and services have been updated, as of Tuesday, 12 May 2020.

According to a circular issued by the department, and "Emirates Today" obtained, a copy of it has been permitted for some outdoor tourism activities and sporting activities, which include all sports tourism activities that are practiced in the open air individually or with 5 other individuals or less.

All water sports activities were allowed, including activities for chartering excursion boats, tourism and bicycle rental, and "jet ski", in addition to "Skydive" activities, but that does not include the external tourism activities of large groups consisting of more than 5 people, and all Indoor tourism activities, parties and events.

Beaches of hotels have also been included in the activities included in the sector and allowed. Access to these beaches will be available only to hotel guests, and the circular included many measures that should be taken in this framework, including health and social divergence standards.

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