Teller Report

Video .. Cristiano Ronaldo opens his latest projects and plays a new role in Ramadan

5/11/2020, 9:21:33 AM

Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo surprised his followers on social networking site Instagram by launching his latest projects, which is a series of sports clubs under the name "CR7 Crunch Fitness" in cooperation with the company Crunch and the Portuguese star has arrived in Italy in preparation to join TEDr

Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo surprised his followers on the social networking site Instagram by launching his latest projects, which is a series of sports clubs under the name "CR7 Crunch Fitness" in cooperation with the company Crunch

The Portuguese star had arrived in Italy in preparation for joining the training of his team, and is currently in the period of home quarantine for 14 days after spending nearly two months in Portugal accompanied by his mother and family.

The player provided a set of sports advice and 7 exercises for his viewers that they may perform while they are at home, explaining the importance of each training, the number of repetitions and the way to implement it, which are certainly exercises that may help viewers during the month of Ramadan

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Hemos pedido a @cristiano que nos enseñe 7 entrenamientos que todo el mundo debería hacer para mantenernos activos y enforma, mientras nos quedamos en casa. Aquí está lo mejor del Mejor. #YoEstoyAqui

A post shared by CR7 Fitness by Crunch (@ cr7fitnessbycrunch) on May 9, 2020 at 8:59 am PDT

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