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Tribute to the anti-epidemic heroes! Shanghai Shanggang invites anti-epidemic medical staff to visit the stadium

5/11/2020, 2:03:11 AM

Image source: Official WeChat account of Shanghai Port.

  China News Service, May 11th, on the afternoon of the 10th, the Super League Shanghai Shanggang Club invited Shi Jindong, the leader of the Shanghai Fifth People's Hospital Aid Medical Team, and Cao Jing, a nurse in the isolation ward of Jinshan District, to the Yuanshen Stadium to visit the player locker room.

  At the event site, two medical staff shared with the player representatives and the audience what they had experienced in their respective jobs in the past few months.

  On January 24 this year, Shi Jindong, who was still studying in Italy, chose to end the study in advance and return to the motherland to overcome difficulties. After returning to Shanghai, he did not have time to adjust the time difference before investing in the epidemic prevention and control work. On February 19, Shi Jindong served as the captain of our hospital's medical team for aid to Hubei.

  Outside of work, Shi Jindong is also a member of the Fifth Academy football team. In addition to himself, his 11-year-old son is also a fan of Shanghai. Shi Jindong said that after returning to Shanghai with his colleagues, Yang Shiyuan, a player from Shanghai and Hong Kong, went to the hospital and donated a batch of daily necessities, signature uniforms and football.

  "We can all feel the love of Shanghai Hong Kong players. In fact, although we are harder in the front, we must not forget the compatriots who are fighting together in the back. It is precisely because they are there that help us relieve a lot of worries and make us more Confident to fight bravely ahead, "he said.

  The hard work of the medical staff also greatly inspired the players. During the AFC Champions League knockout game against Urawa last year, Yang Shiyuan suffered a serious knee injury, and then he went to Germany for surgery. After a long recovery, it is now possible to start training with the team.

Data map: Super League Beijing Zhonghe Guoan (Lvyi) lost to Shanghai Shanggang 0-2 at home. Yan Junling, the goalkeeper of Shanghai Shanggang team, showed his bravery. Photo by reporter Mao Jianjun of China News Service

  Yang Shiyuan said: "I will also read reports related to the epidemic when I recover abroad. The dedication and will quality of medical staff on the front line have greatly touched me, because during the recovery process, I will also face some ups and downs in mentality. But thinking of them, I will be very powerful. "

  As much as Yang Shiyuan felt, Shi Ke. In 2014, Shi Ke suffered a knee injury. After doctors at Huashan Hospital took care of his surgery and postoperative care, Shi Ke was able to return to the stadium smoothly. During the epidemic, after learning that the medical team dispatched by Huashan Hospital to support Wuhan was in short supply of medical supplies, Shi Ke raised goggles, face masks and other protective equipment, and sent it to the medical team of the Hubei.

  The day when the Shanghai-Hong Kong team won the AFC Champions League was Cao Jing's second day as an isolation ward nurse. If there is no sudden outbreak, she should have appeared with her husband and son in the stands of Yuanshen Stadium. But at that moment she was wearing heavy protective clothing and became the earliest "guardian" of the war epidemic in Shanghai.

  Shanghai Hong Kong State Gate Yan Junling once sent blessings to Cao Jing on Weibo. On the 10th, Mother's Day, Cao Jing's family came to the stadium, and Cao Jing's son also presented festive carnations for his mother.

  It is worth mentioning that several players are still signing the jersey on the spot and donating the jersey to two medical staff. This gift carries the homage of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Club, and the representatives of medical staff also specially prepared a commemorative gift for the players, and left a warm photo together to commemorate this unique anti-epidemic friendship. (Finish)

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