Teller Report

Sjöström's new goal - to become a personal trainer

5/11/2020, 1:27:11 PM

No Olympic Games and no European Championships. Instead of taking new championship gold in swimming, Sarah Sjöström reveals her new goal: - I will try to take a license as a personal trainer, she tells Swedish Radio.

Corona pandemic has cleared this year's championship calendar for Sarah Sjöström and the other world elite in swimming.

The Tokyo Olympics, which would have been held this summer, have been projected for a full year just like the Budapest Sim European Championships, which should have taken place now in May.

In an interview in the program P4 Extra, the Swedish world star reveals how she began to fill the void that has arisen because of all the missing competitions.

- I've started plugging. That will be my challenge now. I will try to get a license as a personal trainer. It will be the challenge of the year instead of the Olympics and all other championships that I would have done, says Sjöström.

The 26-year-old admits that, with her new goal of becoming a PT, she embarks on unexplored water.

- I can swim very well and work out a little, but it is very tough that I try to learn to train someone who has never trained in their entire life. You have to learn to help someone who may want to lose weight or gain more muscle - to teach exercise programs for the different parts. That is what will be a challenge, with anatomy in Latin and all that.

Sjöström adds:

- I think I would think it would be really fun. Fun to learn more about the body and have a project alongside now that you have no competitions.