Teller Report

Riyad Mahrez: Muhammad Salah stood on my way

5/11/2020, 9:21:53 PM

The Algerian star, Riyadh Mahrez, revealed a great reason that stood in the way of his transfer to Liverpool before joining the English champions, Manchester City, in the summer of 2017, after the player starred greatly with the former Leicester City team. Impressively

The Algerian star Riad Mehrez revealed a great reason that stood in the way of his transfer to Liverpool before joining the English champions, Manchester City, in the summer of 2017, after the player starred heavily with the former Leicester team.

The Algerian star, Riyad Mahrez, has remarkably sparkled in the 2015/2016 season, as he led his former team to crown the English Premier League title for the first time in its history, and was chosen as the best player in that season in the English Premier League.

"Before my contract with Manchester City, there was interest from Liverpool, but as soon as they contracted with Mohamed Salah, it was over," Mehrez said in an interview posted on the Liverpool Echo website.
According to the player’s statement, Liverpool expressed its desire to sign Mahrez, but the English team abandoned this idea by simply contracting Mohamed Salah from Rome, Italy, for approximately 42 million euros.

A year later, he succeeded to be the most expensive Arab player in history after moving to Manchester City, the Premier League title, for £ 60 million.

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