Teller Report

Now Europe's cultural life is reopened

5/11/2020, 5:36:17 PM

Large parts of Europe have been bombed since the corona virus began to spread in mid-March. But as early summer enters, cultural institutions also start to open again. In Oslo, the National Theater will soon receive a public audience.

In Berlin, Germany, the libraries open on Monday and some of the city's most popular museums, including the Pergamon Museum, Altes Museum and Museum für Naturkunde, receive a limited number of visitors from Tuesday.

However, everyone is asked to come with their own mouthguards and keep two meters away from other visitors. The cinemas in Berlin may also open after June 5, but no theater will receive audiences until August as it looks now. In the other German states, the opening rate varies, but cinemas and theaters remain closed overall.

In Norway, however, the dream of live theater may soon come true for at least some. The National Theater in Oslo opens to public performances for a maximum of 50 people already on May 19. However, for the first time, the traditional May 17 matinee is being digitally released so that more people can see it.

Ancient tourist destinations

“It feels very good to be able to breathe out again and say 'welcome to the theater'! Now work is underway to open the doors to the public, albeit in a different way than we are used to, with a strong emphasis on infection control and with a currently limited repertoire, ”says theater director Hanne Tømta in a statement on the theater's website.

The Acropolis of Greece - and other major tourist destinations from ancient times - have been deserted for two months but will receive visitors again from 18 May. Also museums in Italy have been allowed to open then.

Step by step French opening

Spain's most visited art museum, Museo Reina Sofía, is preparing to open in early June. Also, the Spanish museums must comply with distance regulations and only receive one third of the usual amount of visitors.

At Reina Sofía, which houses Picasso's "Guernica", the museum visitor must also circulate in the same direction so as not to go into each other, special cameras should control the visitors' body temperature, and it should also be easier to wash their hands, AFP writes.

France opens incrementally, which means that only the small museums, libraries and booksellers can receive visitors from Monday 11 May. However, the major museums, cinemas, theaters and concert halls remain closed pending new government announcements at the end of May.