Teller Report

Double standards

5/11/2020, 10:43:14 PM

No two disagree that the Corona pandemic crisis hit all sectors without exception around the world, and there is no doubt that one of the appropriate solutions is to reduce salaries and allowances for many companies and institutions to overcome financial difficulties, and in a way that does not cause them to cease completely from production

No two disagree that the Corona pandemic crisis has struck all sectors without exception around the world, and there is no doubt that one of the appropriate solutions is to reduce salaries and allowances for many companies and institutions to overcome financial difficulties, and that does not cause them to cease completely from production and work.

Take Emaar Real Estate, for example. It deliberately reduced salaries in a proportionate and proportionate manner. The largest deduction rate for higher jobs was then this percentage decreases whenever it descends to the lowest level of salaries, just like Emirates Airlines, which made the same decision, and announced it before Period in the media.

But there are those who insist on walking the opposite of the current, as there is a destination for most of its employees, whether citizens or expatriates, who complain about their suffering in this region before the economic conditions caused by the Corona pandemic, as they suffer from low salaries and job hardship, so many complaints have appeared to the public, Especially with regard to the appointment of foreign consultants who receive high salaries and special allowances, while most employees receive very ordinary salaries, so this authority has become two classes: the managerial class and the junior employee class.

After this crisis came to the revenue of this entity affected, and a number of contracts stopped, so small employees were forced to sign new work contracts that included reducing salaries in them, in addition to that a number of employees were dispensed, but it is strange that this entity has appointed a foreign consultant whose salary is close to 100 thousand dirhams at the height of this crisis, and more surprisingly, the new contracts "as I received" were not applied to senior employees, and this is undoubtedly a clear contradiction in this regard.

We fully appreciate the current conditions, and we sympathize with all who were affected by this crisis, and we see that it is natural and logical that there will be restructuring, austerity and suspension of allowances in most of the agencies, but for these bodies to be fair in relation to what they do towards their employees, it is not reasonable at all to be simple employees and owners Ordinary jobs are the main victim of such decisions, and, as it is said: “It is not fair to ask others what you are not prepared to do.”

We fully appreciate the current situation, and sympathize with all those affected by this crisis, and we see that it is natural and logical that there will be restructuring, austerity and suspension of allowances in most of the regions.

Twitter: @almzoohi

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