Teller Report

Brother Fedun spoke about the condition of the sick COVID-19 owner of Spartak

5/11/2020, 1:51:17 PM

Andrei Fedun, a member of the board of directors of Spartak Moscow football club, spoke about the well-being of his brother and club owner Leonid Fedun.

“Everything seems to be fine with my brother. Duration of hospitalization? Call the doctors, I'm not a doctor. As soon as they recover, they will be discharged. Nothing critical, pah-pah-pah. Is on the mend. Now the word medicine, ”Feduna quotes TASS. 

On May 7, Fedun was hospitalized with a diagnosis of coronavirus.

The Russian Premier League was suspended after the 22nd round due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Earlier it was reported that Fedun will spend about a week in the hospital.