Teller Report

The entry of Macao laborers from the Mainland through the Zhuhai port will not be subject to centralized segregation.

5/10/2020, 1:15:39 PM

  China News Agency Zhuhai, May 10 (Deng Yuanwen, Wan Xueling) On the 10th, the reporter learned from Gongbei Customs that from the 11th, qualified mainland laborers entering Macau will enter the Zhuhai port and will not implement centralized isolation medical observation. In order to ensure the safe and orderly customs clearance at the port, Gongbei Customs reminds the customs personnel that they must confirm in advance whether they meet the conditions for exemption and isolation, and prepare all the certification documents.

  The Zhuhai New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Command issued a circular on the 9th, saying that from 6:00 on May 11th, to the mainland where the regular residence is Zhuhai, the Zhuhai City Resident ID Card or Zhuhai City Resident Permit is sent to Macao laborers, After entering the country, centralized quarantine medical observation will not be implemented.

  The relevant person in charge of Gongbei Customs stated that in order to ensure the safe and orderly customs clearance of the port, the above-mentioned mainland labor personnel must be registered with the Chinese-funded (Macau) Employment Agencies Association before they are cleared to confirm that they have been included. Quarantine medical watch list. If it is not included in the list, it will be quarantined for 14 days after entry.

  "At the same time, these mainland laborers who export to Australia must go to Zhuhai and Macao to conduct qualified nucleic acid testing in advance, and carry the foreign employee ID card, Zhuhai resident ID card or Zhuhai residence card and related Nucleic acid test certification materials. "The person in charge said that the customs clearance personnel can fill in the health declaration card in advance through the" customer fingertip service "applet or use the relevant website within 24 hours before customs clearance. Relevant health declaration records are valid within 24 hours, one-second inspection, safe and convenient. (Finish)