Teller Report

More than 210 employees of Korean companies set foot on the "fast track" of China and South Korea to resume work in China

5/10/2020, 2:27:10 PM

  More than 210 employees of Korean companies set out for Tianjin to resume work on May 10. They are the first Koreans to apply to enter China through the "fast track".

  On May 1st, the two countries opened the first "fast track" in the world, applicable to the entire territory of South Korea and 10 provinces and cities in China. Based on this, important business, logistics, production and technical service personnel of both sides can apply for a visa after performing the necessary approval procedures, and after passing the new coronary pneumonia virus test, they can greatly shorten the isolation time after entry in the other country.

  On the same day, more than 210 employees from companies under the Samsung Group arrived at Incheon Airport, mostly engaged in technical work such as electronics, electromechanics, and monitors. They and the Chinese and South Korean officials who saw off at the scene greeted each other with an "elbow". They both carried a health certificate issued by the South Korean epidemic prevention department and boarded the plane after undergoing a temperature check. (Reporter Zeng Nai edited Chi Hanyu)

Editor in charge: [Li He]