Teller Report

Is the car that found the body a stolen car? Owned by a company in Tokyo Wako Saitama

5/10/2020, 11:21:05 PM

[NHK] On the 10th, a car body found in a car parked in a parking lot in Wako, Saitama prefecture, which appears to be a man, was found in Tokyo ...

Is the car of the dead body a stolen car? Owned by a company in Tokyo Wako Saitama May 11th 8:11


On the 10th, a body found to be a man was found in a car parked in a parking lot in Wako City, Saitama Prefecture.The car where the body was found is a car owned by a food-related company in Tokyo, last month. Interviews with investigators revealed that the theft was reported in the middle of the year.

A corpse abandoned by a police officer was found in a light car parked in a condominium parking lot in Wako-shi, Saitama prefecture on the 10th before 3:00 pm, wrapped in something like a cloth. I am investigating.

According to interviews with investigators, the light vehicle whose body was found in the investigation so far was owned by a food-related company in Tokyo, and had been reported stolen in the middle of last month.

Also, a mini car was witnessed by a neighbor in the parking lot of this condominium for about a week, and it means that the car was locked when the body was found.

Since the body is corrupting, police are investigating the identity and cause of death and investigating suspicious persons in the vicinity.

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